Chrysler's revolutionary Turbo Encabulator; Transmission Technology for Mars Mission

Chrysler or Ford or whomever . . .

I saw a (mock) documentary on something of this nature, but on a Ford Taurus. Allegedly had been installed since the Model T days, it was claimed. There was one segment where the car was driving itself, as the helicopter tv reporter got a shot of the driver holding both hands out of the lh window as the car sped along with a gaggle of cop cars in pursuit. When the end of the road/pier was approached, the car turned around and stopped. The driver rolled out of the door as the cops approached, guns ready. The driver was unarmed. Looked really legit!

Somebody went to a lot of expense and trouble to expose this whole situation!

I thought he was describing Lean Burn...or Autotemp...or 1980's Imperial Fuel injection. Oh well...I still love the ole Chrysler Corp.
Its a spoof! I saw another video like this. Done professionally and great use of made up terms - which I probably would be tongue tied to say, but then again I don't think I could have done the entire video without breaking out into laughter at myself.
YouTube has some really great videos that people put a lot of thought and work into. I have my "car movie" just floating around in my mind and would love to see it on a short video. This is one of my favorites:
There's a whole YouTube channel devoted to car chases in movies and such. Quite interesting and amusing. Another of those "follow the links" and you'll be there all day/night deals, by observation. Similar to the many Chrysler car commercials and videos, in that respect.

YouTube has some really great videos that people put a lot of thought and work into. I have my "car movie" just floating around in my mind and would love to see it on a short video. This is one of my favorites:

Cool video
It’s awesome that you took the time to share this, thank you! Nifty video.:thankyou:

Now all I need is a transmission from, a k-car In working order, to make the “1969 Sport Fury Convertible” super deatmosphered, all-trauma-matic, ultrafied. space program, a GO!