So if you are driving on a weekend and get into an accident and the car is totaled, they wouldn't pay "agreed value"? With all the traffic out here in California, that is the scenario that is of most concern to me. There are plenty of idiot drivers and gawkers given the size of the population to make that a potential situation. I wouldn't store one of my collector cars in anything but an enclosed garage or leave it unattended in a parking lot - although if staying at a weekend show in out of town circumstances where you have no choice but to leave it in a parking lot at a hotel, if the car were vandalized or stolen, etc, they wouldn't cover it either?

It seems like if Hagerty were to default in such circumstances, for example, we would have all heard about it given their reputation and otherwise providing excellent service.

That is why I believe if one has had a poor experience, I would very much like to hear about it including the details.
Sorry I forgot to include collision. That’s the main scenario of course. They would cover collision, fire, theft. These are the primary covered areas not sure exactly what else they would cover or not. Hoping never to find out. I also have earthquake added to my policy.
So if you are driving on a weekend and get into an accident and the car is totaled, they wouldn't pay "agreed value"? With all the traffic out here in California, that is the scenario that is of most concern to me. There are plenty of idiot drivers and gawkers given the size of the population to make that a potential situation. I wouldn't store one of my collector cars in anything but an enclosed garage or leave it unattended in a parking lot - although if staying at a weekend show in out of town circumstances where you have no choice but to leave it in a parking lot at a hotel, if the car were vandalized or stolen, etc, they wouldn't cover it either?

It seems like if Hagerty were to default in such circumstances, for example, we would have all heard about it given their reputation and otherwise providing excellent service.

That is why I believe if one has had a poor experience, I would very much like to hear about it including the details.
I hear what your saying though, I’m sure there are some grey areas of course as far as what they cover and which potential situations like leaving a car outside over night for a “car show” so if something happened make sure to drive the point you were attending a car show . I think most of the time they take care of us, otherwise we would have heard more unsatisfied customers. I can’t tell you for sure as I’ve only had two small claims over the last 17 years. Maybe others can share their experience.
I went with Hagerty. They sponsored an event with another group I am with and they sponsor the Antique and Classic Boat Show in St Michaels, MD in June. But, the big reason is that they told me about how I could drag race the Max at shows like Carlisle Chrysler Show that have a Friday Night drag event at the local track. NONE of the other companies would. Hagerty said I am not covered in the staging lanes, the track or the return road, unless something has changed in the past 6 or 8 years I am good in the pits.
Looking for input and any experiences anyone may have had. Trying to figure out who would be best option based more on experiences with the company or any times you may have had to file any claims rather than best price necessarily. Obviously insurance isn't typically expensive for an occasionally driven classic car which is why cheapest price is not at the top of my list of priorities.
Bit off your question but we have had Hagerty but now have Safeco classic car insurance. Supposedly about same premium but have had no problems. We had Hagerty during hurricane Charley in 2004. One of our classics (1968 Chrysler 300 convertible) was in a building where the roof got blown off. Some debris scratched the car but caused no structural or body damage. Hagerty had the whole car repainted for us. Was a great experience other than having to go through Charley to begin with
That’s quite a large assumption of my character on your part.

Enjoy your day.
Don't you just want to tear some people's heads off and take a $h!7 down their necks sometimes!
It must have been very upsetting that the insurance company denied your claim, there must have been some fine print not read and they capitalized on it, who reads all the fine print anyway, they make it hard to follow and use terminology only insiders know and so on...................SNOR! We all just want the pink slip in our hands.....Ride!
Sorry you lost your car and any money that would have helped you get the next car.
I went with Hagerty. They sponsored an event with another group I am with and they sponsor the Antique and Classic Boat Show in St Michaels, MD in June. But, the big reason is that they told me about how I could drag race the Max at shows like Carlisle Chrysler Show that have a Friday Night drag event at the local track. NONE of the other companies would. Hagerty said I am not covered in the staging lanes, the track or the return road, unless something has changed in the past 6 or 8 years I am good in the pits.
Haggerty offers compitition insurace through a third party. Was going to do a track day and wanted coverage.
Haggerty, etc. Way to difficult. I have both my 66 GTO and 65 SF, both convertibles, insured at a stated value of $82,500 and $52,500 respectively based upon appraisals, full coverage, for $250-$300 annually. All my insurance needs with one carrier, less hassle. The KISS approach!
I left Hagerty seven years ago, as they were arbitrarily raising the annual rate on all my cars. Then I had a very disagreeable experience with them in regards to getting my vehicle towed home after an engine problem.
I sat in a very busy service station four 4 hours, and some low end guy finally showed up up with a beat up tow truck when Flat bed only was ordered. The guy told me it took so long because he was the only driver willing to answer the call for what hagerty was willing to pay.

My oldest son finally arrived and babysat the car while my other son took me home to get my truck and trailer.

Later that day I called to complain, and the guy at Hagerty said there was no record of a request by me for a tow!
I was done with them, I have been with American Modern ever since. I have not had a claim, but my agent is local, and does a great job.
Plus, they were about 25% cheaper per year. I pay $950 bucks a year with agreed value on eight classic mopars.
I would hate to ask them how much now for nine cars annually.
one has to remember the first car is the primary cost, after that it is all about the amount of total agreed value you need.
sorry for the extended post,,,, I am still annoyed about that to this day.
Do NOT insure your cars with Hagerty.

If you have a substantial claim you are in great risk of not being paid, or made whole.

Run don't walk from them.
Do NOT insure your cars with Hagerty.

If you have a substantial claim you are in great risk of not being paid, or made whole.

Run don't walk from them.
So you’ve been saying this for years now. Why not tell us your experience in detail???
Looking for input and any experiences anyone may have had. Trying to figure out who would be best option based more on experiences with the company or any times you may have had to file any claims rather than best price necessarily. Obviously insurance isn't typically expensive for an occasionally driven classic car which is why cheapest price is not at the top of my list of priorities.

Haggerty. You can buy cherished salvage coverage so you get your car back if it is a total loss. You can buy spare parts coverage and they will help find parts to repair your car.
Haggerty. You can buy cherished salvage coverage so you get your car back if it is a total loss. You can buy spare parts coverage and they will help find parts to repair your car.
OK I have to admit I haven't read all the way through my Haggerty policy (I know, not smart) but with regular insurance if they total your car you have the option of keeping it (Not buying back, it already belongs to you) by simply having them deduct salvage value from the settlement. Is that not the case with Haggerty or other classic car companies?
I have had Hagerty and it was a very easy and pretty pain free experience. You can pick your own shop or fix the car yourself. I got my car fixed fast and it looks great.


OK I have to admit I haven't read all the way through my Haggerty policy (I know, not smart) but with regular insurance if they total your car you have the option of keeping it (Not buying back, it already belongs to you) by simply having them deduct salvage value from the settlement. Is that not the case with Haggerty or other classic car companies?
It is but the cherished salvage extra cost (minimal) you don’t have to buy it back and haggle over what the salvage value is.