cnd to us exchange rates


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2014
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for us canucks.....where dose one find the best place to exchange can to us lve seen so far is snowbird organization...thoughts??
I don't know, but at $130 on $100...yikes! Cdn is only $.76 now. A couple years ago it peaked around $1.01, I'd be happy if it would get back into the $.90 to $.95 range again. Everything I order costs almost twice as much by the time all the hidden costs are factored in. :(
Am I missing something? Open up an online bank account in the US. There is several. They will convert the account to US dollars. Just type in "best interest rates" and pick one.
also talking about exchangeing 20k+ ect for my far am looking 26k+ for 20k usd..owch
Any bank in East Berlin.

Wait a minute.....the Cold War ended and The Wall is down.....never mind.

We use to get a great deal converting USD to East German currency in East Berlin during the Cold War. I lived like a rock star when I was in East Berlin.

Cheapest way?

Go to your local canada post outlet (likely in a pharmaprix/shoppers drug mart) and buy an international postal money order in US Dollars. Flat $4.95 fee and your recipient can cash them at any US Post office. Of course there's an upper limit to how much money you can transfer that way efficiently, but if you're going to hit that better to just send a wire transfer.

What is going on in the Canadian economy to cause a drop in Value? Oil Prices?
I'm just curious.

Canada has always anchored its economy on its resources...very little (read: just about zero) manufacturing/ refining done in house...we just stupidly sell of the raw materials for chump change. Right now the global economy is slumping, therefore less need for the raw materials globally due to reduced demand.