Comments and replies to my for sale ad missing?


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
May 26, 2020
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
Hello. I just noticed that all the previous comments and replies are missing from my Imperial for sale ad. Any reason you could tell me what happened?
My WAG is it is probably due to idle chatter unrelated to the actual sale/purchase of the vehicle. Forum rules state there is not supposed to be any discussion other than direct questions/answers like the AC one.
Yep, wether you welcome comments or not they are not allowed in classifieds.
Which is bull crap, but whatever. Not my site.

You need to open a discussion thread and talk about the car. maybe a heading that says, "Considering selling my car" " this is not a WIW thread".
Discussions are ok to babble on for 100 pages. Not for sale ads and not WIW. For sale ads get locked after , I think, 30 days.
I would think comments from knowledgeable people would be helpful to sellers and interested persons.
Ok rules are rules. Form your comments as a question.