Cooper Trendsetter tires @ NTB clearance priced

I too, couldn't stand the thought of "Nankook" visible on the side of my
How about your Made in China sneaks...

I understand what youse guyz are saying but we need to look at ourselves in the big picture... :lol:
I have like 6 1974-1975 Chrysler New Yorker 2drs and 4drs. To hopefully spare someone the pain of all the searching for:

Standard tire size: JR78 - 15
Optional tire size: L78-15 (at least they were optional for mid '70's New Yorkers)

I can't find it anywhere but those old tires I blv had a 1" whitewall stripe. I cannot find a 1" stripe anywhere today. 1.5" or 1.6" are too wide for Chryslers and others are too small but 3/4" is about as close as you can come I think (after looking for 2 days straight)

I learned on this site: "235/75R15's are as close to L78-15's as you will get" and they were right

Coker/'Firestone': Please note it has a 3/4" wide whitewall and is $256/each
Firestone Steel Belted 721 LR78-15 3/4

I bought these for $73 each as the Milestar rep wrote me " the width of the white wall is a touch larger than ¾” which with the price and the stripe being as close to 1" as I could get seems best I can do:

Hankook have an option but think white sidewall and I'm down on Chinese products at the moment so no link here. Milestar might be made in China but at least they have the good sense not to advertise it.

Travelstar have an option: