Covertible top hydraulic cylinders

I have 2 new cylinders and have never installed them, they are now 3 years old. The directions seemed pretty straight forward, but I never changed them out, because when I replaced my top it went up perfectly straight. I will look for the instructions on line, mine are in my shop.
It looked pretty straight forward when I was planning to do it. These are just generic instructions provided by the manufacturer of the cylinders. If your current cylinders don't move at all I would look for an electronic issue first. Almost always a bad ground.
the bleeding looks fine, just trying to figure out what nuts and bolts to loosen up before I end up taking off too much. Didn't see anything in the manual yet. Received the cylinders so this weeks project is to get them in and working.
OK, new cylinders in, new lines connected. Bled cyclinders without the top connected. connected the top to the cylinders. Top goes down but won't go up. Do I need more fluid and bleeding of the system?