
We love fireplaces here on the Gulf, go figure. It is purely ambiance but if it does get cold, the warmth is welcome. Dang near every new home has a fireplace here. When a fireplace is a decoration you can burn stuff like pinon pine from New mexico and not feel too stupid.
haven't built a real fireplace in over 15 years...none wana pay for the work involved...get a 0 clearance fireplace and be done with it in a afternoon..hard to beat that but the last fireplace l did l was able to sit in the firebox on a 5 gallon pail with a 4 ft level...were a diein breed
haven't built a real fireplace in over 15 years...none wana pay for the work involved...get a 0 clearance fireplace and be done with it in a afternoon..hard to beat that but the last fireplace l did l was able to sit in the firebox on a 5 gallon pail with a 4 ft level...were a diein breed
I know you are. That is what makes you unique and sadly young folk don't seem to want to learn from the masters anymore. The folks that can fix a 100 year old leaded glass window are dwindling as well.
Still coming down but it looks like we only got about 4" closer to Detroit. It was coming down heavy yesterday afternoon but then turned to rain and we got less than forecasted over night.
I'll always be a MI guy in my heart, but working all day outside in below zero temps.....don't miss that at all.
You know you don't HAVE to work outside in MI...
You know you don't HAVE to work outside in MI...
My family had an HVAC business in St Clair Shores. Being the low man on the totem pole meant being on the job site at 6 am roughing in new construction.

My grandfather was a WW2 vet ,back before cordless drills ,they screwed ductwork together with screw drivers by hand. His hand shake was like a bench vise.
I always wanted to be like him, so, working on job sites was just in my cards.

It was 80 here yesterday, so it all evens out!
BRB damn flamingos in the yard again.
I got out of the masonry trade in 03/04. Sad how much it slowed down here. I LOVED stackin rocks!! I thought it would be my career..... It could have been if I didn't mind living outta hotels, with kids tho....not an option . I remember my last fireplace, it was a monster in an 11,000 sqft house in Romeo MI, I'll see if I can find any pics.

Well this what we wound up with. Sadly the power came in around midnight. The pics with side walk in it is north facing then south. The north face of the trees are bleached right out!


As long as no trees fall , I don't mind the weather. I hated in my 20's and most of my 30's . The last 5yrs or so....I've grown back into liking it. Although I wouldn't waking up to a tropical ocean view such as that!