Craig (Mobileparts)

I wish you a speedy recovery. Make sure that your attorney has handled civil rights claims against police officers before because such a claim can result in an award of punitive damages against the officers and the police department and that can be a huge amount. Thank you for spelling things out. This is completely insane. Have your attorney secure the recording of the call to the police by the person that requested the wellness check. I handled and managed claims against police departments and officers for many years and if your attorney thinks that this is a tough case to win, you may not have the right attorney IMHO.
Shame on you for pre-judging someone without knowing the facts, you're no better than the thugs in uniform responsible for this and many other instances of police brutality. You are a waste of this forum's time. How about admins step in, this is not acceptable.
I wholeheartedly agree after that p o s 's further comments... Craig ......
While there are always 3 sides to every story, hopefully certain people can realize that this discussion is no place for police/politics/agendas.
Kinda thought Craig's responses would've squashed it, but apparently not, as it popped up again. :rolleyes:

Craig - I don't know you, but I know your name from here due to the parts-sales gig you have. As you are one of our brethren here - prayers for a good recovery!

IMO - if you are planning a lawsuit, consider to remove your explanation of the event from FCBO and anywhere else you've put it. Defense attorneys might cherrypick from it to use in their case. But if you already have an attorney, show them your posts and get their advice first. While nothing ever 100% disappears from the internet, if they don't know something existed, they won't know to look for it.
Im hoping Craig gets a whole **** load of these...

For all those MEN wishing me well, sending prayers, etc., etc. ---- here is an update...

It is mind boggling to think about how --- YOU --- don't have to THINK about standing up.... You put on your socks and sneakers / shoes --- and stand up ... It is that easy....
No thought or thought process......

Until something like this happens,...

And, while I could still lift a 50 - 70 pound milk crate from my van to my tables at a show, before this happened, I must confess, I haven't been working out these last 40 years , such that my arms and legs are not strong enough to lift up my body by themselves.....

And for years, I used to say that I am 6 - 3 , 280.... Thankfully, by eating somewhat correctly these last couple of years, I am at 225 lbs, --- many have commented that I have lost weight, and I have had to change belt buckle position twice !!! And, thank goodness, now, because it will be easier to lift 225 pounds , as opposed to 280 ish .....

I have O.T. (Occupational Therapy) and P.T. (Physical Therapy) every day....
Arm and Hand Exercises, Leg Execrcises, strengthening every part of my body, learning to stand up again, transferring from the bed to the walker and to the wheelchair --- it is an excruciating long and hard process to return to " NORMAL "....

However, I am staying at it... Not only every day, but also in bed, after they are gone for the day , to speed up the process.... I am trying to gain 1 1/4 days of progress every day....

I am not going to be Hulk Hogan overnight.... I am not going to be a 23 year old ever again....

But, I am going to be more toned and "buff" than I have been in over 40 years --- as I must confess, I thought that my ability to lift 60 and 70 pound milk crates was "enough"..... But .... Not presently .....

I have to get rolling now --- but I wanted to update everyone who has monitored my progress --- and thank everyone who has sent along well wishes and more...once more, presently....

I can't wait to tell everyone when I am up and walking again, and I promise you, when that is possible --- I am
Outta here !!!!

With Love and MOPARS, Yours, Craig.....

P.S. I will keep you all abreast of the financial side of what is going on, but, so far, It is still a case in progress....

P.P.S. If anyone Has any questions or comments, feel free to ask me anything... I mean anything.... I will answer any thoughts or queries you may have.... Thank GOD that all my mental faculties are still razor sharp !!! Whew !!!
Hey Craig / MetalManiacAZ,
This tablet I am borrowing will not let me see it as a video, but that looks like the ugliest girl on the planet ---

MIN 6 - 1
g b 3 - 5
Chi 3 - 5
Det 1 - 6
Glad you are doing better, you never realize things about your health until you lose it.
On a side note, the stitches came out of my fingers, I can make a fist with 3 of the 4 fingers. Therapy for me is progressing. Keep up the rehab.
When a guy named 'live4theking' says prayer, you know it's not just a casual reference!

Craig -
You are likely 'struggling' because you are now needing core muscle that the milk-crate activity doesn't use as much.
I'm like you - I don't exercise per se, but I am able to physically lift/do almost anything I need single-handedly - but sometimes an afternoon of wielding a 10-lb leafblower gives a next-day reminder of the difference.

Hang in there (and prayers, too)!