Dash repair

Nice! You have any in progress pics? I bet there are plenty on this site that would love to learn more (me included)
Nice! You have any in progress pics? I bet there are plenty on this site that would love to learn more (me included)
Haha. Took 6 months cause the dash foam was rotten and i had to dig out what was left.
Used construction foam in spray cans then shaved it down with a fishing knife. Then started the bondo process. Layer upon layer till i liked it. Im lousy with bondo but i like the results.

Wow. What a process. Looks like you did a great job especially considering what you had to start with.
Thanks. I tried body wrap and carpet but didnt like any of it. My arm was really tired from sanding haha
Did the same to one of mine. Then had it spraylined by a place. Texture was perfect and stiffened it up a bit.