Did you sleep on the package shelf when you were a kid?


New Member
Mar 12, 2023
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Bloomington MN
I was just reading a story of a guy who would sleep on the package shelf behind the rear seat when he was a kid. His dad had an old mid sixties Chrysler sedan, and he recalled fondly the times when he would sleep up there on a rainy night drive home. He slept very soundly and recalled that the sound of the rain and the road lulled him into a very sound sleep. I never did this as a kid growing up in the sixties, but I'm wondering if others on this site had a similar experience. Please forward your stories of sleeping there back in the day. Thanks!
We would lay up on the shelf and goof around, when ever the car was coming to a stop we would roll off on to the cushy seat. I can't remember what car. The LTD station wagon was a good big space on road trips.
I remember seeing kids on the package shelf, but I never did. Since my siblings are quite a bit older, I had the back seat to myself most of the time and could just stretch out on the seat.

When I was young, probably 6 or 7, we were on a trip in my Dad's '57 Windsor when he had to swerve onto a rough and narrow shoulder and brake really hard to avoid an oncoming truck passing another car. I was sleeping on the seat nice and peacefully. Next thing I knew, I hit the back of the front seat and then fell down on the driveshaft hump. Scared the crap out of me.
I grew up in a wagon, so no package tray naps for me, plenty of other places to curl up though. I used to love sleeping in the cot "upstairs" in our '69 Westfalia, not while driving though. I can't remember the reason, something about safety or something. I think that was just an excuse though. Now that I'm "smarter" I think the real reason was the extra aerodynamic drag would reduce our already pathetic top speed.
Behind the rear seat of a Volkswagen Beetle there is no package shelf but a small luggage compartment instead, where you could play, read comics or sleep in a space all for yourself.
This thread reminds me of the rumor that kids would get sucked out of the rear window on the Mercury Breezeways.

We had a wagon so in the rear, later we had a wagon with a rear facing seat, that was fun. When all the kids were with my grandparents one of us ended up in the rear of their 67 Barracuda fastback

My wife has rode on the package tray.

I haven’t, but did ride on the engine cover in my parents 1962 Corvair Monza station wagon from Southern California to South Dakota when I was about 6.

Yes, I was the youngest of 3 boys.
We moved almost every summer. Dad was lifetime military.
My oldest brother slept on the back seat, my middle brother slept in the footwell and sometimes got a burn from the seatbelt bolt, I slept in the rear window and had a sunburn on one side most of the trip!