Working on an edit
Don't worry... everyone has those days.Thank you for your help. I actually only used water to wash out MC ,after thinking about it, and scraped the rust and muck with a wire brush. I repeated this several times then blew it dry with compressed air. Sorry I said parts cleaner in initial post but that was incorrect as I had just run out of it on a previous project. I still think it sounds like MC need inspection and will start there. I appreciate all help and take no offense to anyone's input. This is not what I found for a living but I enjoy working on these old cars... I am apparently just not very good at it
This is correct, it could be in the rear brake hose. If it is torn internally this can happen... pretty common actually.Could also be the rear rubber brake line is damaged and is creating a check valve situation. I have had this happen to me on a new rubber brake line that was less then a year old.
Cool. I neglected to give diagnostic instructions for the brake hose... in case they help. Simple really, you hold pressure at the wheel cylinders as you discovered opening the bleeder. Crack the line loose where its attached to the hose... if you don"t hold pressure before the hose and do at the bleeder... has to be the hose. Sorry, don't know where my head is sometimes...Ok will do! After work tommorrow I will start to sort this sucker out...... To be continued