Does anybody know what this is??


May 3, 2024
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This electrical item is hanging under the dashboard near the accelerator pedal in my 72 Fury Gran Sedan. If anyone knows what it is for I would be most interested to know. Some other item appears to go inside and there are 2 switches inside.


Half your brake light switch.

Thank You Alan/MrMoparCHP
I am very grateful for your reply. It explains a lot-like where is the brake light switch despite my searching…
I feel rather stupid now…
I’m off to open up the old girl and put in the new brake light switch. Back on the road soon, as there was only the brake lights and speedo cable to finalise prior to registration inspection.
Brake light and cruise control
Thank You very much Big John.
Another member replied that it was the brake light switch.
Could you elaborate on how the cruise control fits in here?
I thought there was a dedicated brake light stop switch, activated by the brake pedal lever, and the cruise was up on the column. My apologies if I seem very ignorant here. My ownership of Mopars/ Chryslers is only 12 months, so I’m still learning everyday.
I have now received an original NOS stop switch/constant speed switch after advice from kind people about what was hanging into the footwell in my 72 fury.
Installing it on the bracket is not easy. I have the FSM and understand that it goes between the two outer main plates and the plunger on the switch is positioned in a closed position against a spacer( that’s eventually removed), so when brakes are applied plunger opens and current flows. The problem I am up against is that the pic in the FSM doesn’t show exactly which holes are the right ones to use, and precisely which “ notch” the small curved out metal corner/ small hooked end fits into. Some photos I took show the area in my 72 Fury hardtop. As always the knowledge that exists here is so welcome and helpful in getting my Fury back on the road after many years. Everyone has been so kind and helpful. I have included a pic of the bracket also if that helps, and it’s clear from the wear and corrosion on the bracket that an original stop switch went onto it, not a copy one. Any advice as to the precise mounting holes here would get the brake lights going again after years of being non operational now that I’ve totally rebuilt the bumper bar. Thanks to everyone for listening.