Don't tell the "Greatest Generation Veterans" there is anGovernment Shutdown!

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Please, Bob, not today. Just as I wasn't feeling shittier after waking up to the news this morning...
I know what you mean.
This is bad.
Really?? Putting up fences to try and keep out those who clawed their up war torn beaches while being shot at by Germans during in WWII?
Huh? That made no sense to the context of what the discussion was. I think there's a miscommunication here.

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Look at the bright side .... they'll have a harder time spending your money if the public servants are all laid off. Next step lay off the politicians.
My Grandpa was wondering when it would finally Happen, he's of course Canadian Army 1941, transferred to Canadian Navy and retired 1973.

His Army Platoon was entirely wiped out the day they landed at Dieppe. Luckily he was recouping from a hernia he got during training.

Glad to see the park cops did the right thing and let them into the memorial.
I was watching this with my 95 year old dad ( who is a WWII Veteran ) today and got all choked up when he said What the "HELL" is wrong with our country today they think that those barriers will keep my boys away from our memorial !!!!! This is not some God forsaken Jungle like in the Philippine's this is America a country that we all fought hard for and many died for. This would never happen 50 years ago. :sFl_america2:
I'm currently serving and I have nothing but admiration for the "Old Boys" that fought tooth and nail for their countries. (It's a soldier's respect thing, enemy or not)
With the equipment they had at the time and the miles(or yards depends on the fire fight,fatigue, etc..) they crossed would make most soldiers today cry.
The 'Old Boys' are tough as nails and deserve to pay their respects to their fallen commrands.

It makes me angry and sad to have seen this happen today generation, but their is little to no respect in the world anymore.
It's a sad reality when the people that actually defend they countries are treated like this and I don't mean the arm chair generals that sit back in the homeland directing from safety.

This is just my opinion
What a disaster this government has become, sometimes I wish I could shut my eyes, hold my breath and run right through and it will be better on the other side, one can only hope?
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