Ebay - 1968 Chrysler 300 Convertible 440 TNT

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Sad day for me...

Bob (Clover) realized, that this is the car he sold 6 weeks ago, told it to Matt and he told me.


6 weeks later









I saw it on this thread when Julian posted it and thought no way, couldn't be, not that fast. Since I've noticed CLover hasn't been on in a while I figured I'd copy the ebay link and email it to him with a comment of how nice it would have looked in its original color. I thought it was uncanny that such a car showed up on an auction and it was local but I just thought it impossible....
Oh and by the way, it was made very clear to the current owner that this isn't a TNT car from the factory, just sayin'...
Stan, you kill me! Every hilarious comment you made is true! This is definitely the car that I sold to Don on 10/11/13. He knows fully well that it's not a TNT and that the seats have been recovered. Note that the rear seat emblems are missing! Whoever"wins" this car is going to be disappointed when they find the hack-job repair to the driver's quarter panel, since the Texan replacement quarter is still in my garage! Anybody want to buy a rust free left full hardtop quarter with complete wheelhouse and trunk extension, etc?
BTW, I'm not an electrical engineer, but I did study EE for two years before I changed my major. And I did the wiring repairs correctly. And Don was told exactly what I did.
And Julian, I'm sorry I didn't sell it to you, but you don't know how lucky you are that I didn't! I could pick that car apart 'til the cows come home. You are better off with your first love- a fuselage.
either way it is an unbelievable transformation..... I almost prefer the "used " look though
The turnaround time is very impressive. I'll give Don credit for that. There are many things still wrong with that car that I divulged in my ads and even more that I told Don when he bought it. I don't know what he has changed other than cosmetic, but I doubt it was much, if anything. The exterior chrome and trim are original alright. They look great in photos, don't they? The list is fairly long...
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The other side of the coin is that it is still a good car at a reasonable price. If it had been cheap to put a good paint job on it, I would have. Don or somebody or somebodies worked hard on that car! It's just a damn shame that they didn't come get this quarter panel and do the body right. The car deserved it.
I'm blown away by that price, if I wasn't so busy I would have contacted the seller to go see how it turned out. I find it impossible that everything that car needed done to be worth that much could have been done.
I'm blown away by that price, if I wasn't so busy I would have contacted the seller to go see how it turned out. I find it impossible that everything that car needed done to be worth that much could have been done.
Lets say it was near perfect then the price isn't unreasonable. Otherwise its just another exception that proves the rule.
I could have made lots of money if I were an unscrupulous liar. There's going to be a disappointed buyer when they give that car a good going over! I think it sold for well more than the seller thought it would.
There might be some drama involved and we may not have seen the last of this car.
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