Electrical Question


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
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Good Day All
It raining (again) in NW Ohio, so it will be off to the man-cave to work on the 'Party Barge' ('65 Newport).
The motor and interior are out, so I figured that this would be an opportune time to get some electrical issues sorted out.
Here is the question: What do I need to do to power up the dash and interior lights? I thought that by installing the battery which would energize the stater relay that would also send power via the bulk-head connector to the dash, but apparently no so. I do have power to the relay but that is all.
Thanks to all who respond.
IIRC, the '65 wiring is pretty simple and yes, the feed for the power to the dash etc. comes from the starter relay connection.

So... There's also a fusible link between the bulkhead connector and the starter relay and I would check that first.

Do you have the FSM? Use that instead of some of the other wiring diagrams available as they are more accurate.

Service Manuals – MyMopar
Good Day
Thanks for the reply
The fusible link is good.
I do have a FSM.
What I am unclear on is with the motor gone, and with several unattached wires (alt, starter, various grounds), do I need to jumper anything to power up the dash?
Good Day
Thanks for the reply
The fusible link is good.
I do have a FSM.
What I am unclear on is with the motor gone, and with several unattached wires (alt, starter, various grounds), do I need to jumper anything to power up the dash?
Hard to know what you actually have unhooked, but I'll take a stab at you not having a good ground to the body.
Gotta ask the dumb question because you didn’t say anything about it.

Did you connect the negative post of the battery to the body of the car?

Do tape off the alternator round terminal and starter end of positive cable so they don’t touch ground, instant meltdown will occur.
Good Day To All
Battery is grounded to the frame (left side sway bar bracket).
All other wires unhooked and not touching anything
There is no motor wiring attached.
I will remove the ground and re-clean.
Your dash is grounded through the body, so ground the body, not the sway bar, and isn’t it rubber isolated? Also nothing electrical on the sway bar or subframe to need a ground.
Good Afternoon All
Moved the temporary ground to the motor mount base and success, the dash is now operable.
Even better my electrical work (adding lights to the 'C' pillars) also works as they should.
Thanks to all who responded
@Omni please do yourself a favor and move your ground to the BODY. This seems trivial, it is not.

The 1969 and older mopar comes with a ground wire from the engine to the firewall. The 1970 and newer mopar comes with a ground wire off the negative batt cable to the core support.

everyone check your mopar and make sure you have a Ground from your engine to the body, or battery to the body.
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From the experiences of friends, GM and Mopar, that missing ground strap will make the ground seek to happen elsewhere. Whether through the console shifter cable or the rear axle. Not good when those things happen.

If it helps, my battery is grounded at the screw where the connectors meet below the front of the white support rod where it attaches to inside top of fender. No rubber motor mount insulators involved.
Hello friends; I'm running a Pertronix, eliminating the old points. I wouldn't think so BUT I use the felt gasket on the bottom of the distributor (seems only mine leaks if not) With the pertronix does the distributor need to be grounded? It's getting harder for this old man to lean over my small block so I'm trying to do all this while the radiator is out (it's easier for me just to crawl in the engine compartment). I cracked or bruised more ribs in the last 6 months then my whole life prior.
Hello friends; I'm running a Pertronix, eliminating the old points. I wouldn't think so BUT I use the felt gasket on the bottom of the distributor (seems only mine leaks if not) With the pertronix does the distributor need to be grounded? It's getting harder for this old man to lean over my small block so I'm trying to do all this while the radiator is out (it's easier for me just to crawl in the engine compartment). I cracked or bruised more ribs in the last 6 months then my whole life prior.
Mike. This is an old thread. You would get more answers posting a new thread under electric and ignition forum on this site.
Sorry about your ribs. Arthur Ritis has become my unwanted friend so I get it. The 1960s were great but the 60s suck.
Mike. This is an old thread. You would get more answers posting a new thread under electric and ignition forum on this site.
Sorry about your ribs. Arthur Ritis has become my unwanted friend so I get it. The 1960s were great but the 60s suck.
Thank you! I appreciate the help learning how to navigate this site. It makes up for the aches and pains.