Empty nester


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2013
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I believe I’m officially an old fart. My youngest daughter will be moving out at the end of the month, relocating to Delaware for a management gig with her employer. She’s looking forward to the assignment, but I could tell when we talk that she will miss being here with us.
The national company she works for, works with realtors in and around the country where they have facilities, who will work directly with their employees who are relocating. Last week, my daughter told me she was looking for apartments in the Wilmington area because it was a bigger city than the area where her company is located in a neighboring community.
Having never been to Delaware, like any dad would do, I did some quick searches on the area and quickly discovered Wilmington is NOT the place she wants to move to, for a number of reasons.

After we talked about this location, she mentioned the realtor didn’t come out and say it directly (because of the rules they have to abide to) why it would not be his first choice to show apartments, and “suggested” she may want to look in a different area.

I’ll be flying out with her on Thursday so we can check out the area thoroughly and see several apartments the realtor has lined up to show. (none in Wilmington BTW)
Later this month her and I will be driving to Delaware to her new place in a UHaul with her car in tow.
After looking at the map, this area would be a short driving distance to the states of NJ, MD and PA.
Any members know the area or have any insights or recommendations? Maybe meet up with some local members if time allows.
Been one since my kids (two daughters) left for college well over a decade ago.

Now I have grandkiddies, and, SMH as to how fast it all went. Just yesterday it seems, I was changing, and burping, and bouncing them on my knee.

In a blink, we were "dancing" -- and now, as a grizzled old man with a hat, am at it again with the third gen. :)

I've been to Willington a couple times and I'd say your assessment is correct.
Tim, my wife Jan, grew-up in Baltimore, her suggestion, "stay away from big cities" her friend lives in Bel Air, Hartford county, Md Havre de Grace Md. Hartford county is also nice
My son lived in Newark DE for a year. Just south west from Wilmington. Seemed to be a decent college town (Home of the Delaware Blue hens). He never had any issues there. An hour or so from the Philly airport. Being from ND he did not like the Traffic.
You'll love being a nester, wife may think different.
I'm sure I'll get used to it, and I will eventually have less time to do things then, than what I have now.
You 100% with the wife. She's gonna have a hard time adjusting. Last one "flying the coop" so to say.....
Just yesterday it seems, I was changing, and burping, and bouncing them on my knee
Very true. Where did the time go? I actually look forward to having grand kids someday.
My two girls went off to Uni and are off on their lives now.
That makes 3 of us on this thread who put 2 girls through college. I'm glad they have both found a path in life to follow so they can start their own lives too.
I've been to Willington a couple times
Thanks for sharing your experience. When I saw the 80% crime rate & YT videos, I was so glad I found out how bad this area is now rather than later. Your 1st hand experience confirms what I was finding out when doing the search about that city.:thankyou:
"stay away from big cities"
I agree. However, the younger generation today wants to be around places where there are places to go/things to do with the younger crowd instead of a sleepy, quiet town with a slower pace. Kind of like when we were younger. No?
I get it though about the big cities. Not a safe as they once were. I'm happy to give my kids my opinion on different subjects, and glad they'll still listen to the advice from a boomer.
My son lived in Newark DE for a year
This is one of the areas she is looking at. I've checked it out too and it does seem much better, not to mention the college being near by will have more people her age.
Not sure if she has to be in Delaware, but just a short drive north of Wilmington puts you in Chester County PA where there are some decent areas.

I wish mine would get out and on their own, but it seems difficult for a young person just out of school to find and afford a place to live these days.
Be grateful your daughter has independence! My son (32) lives with his mother (he works and is trying to save up to buy a house), my wife’s youngest is a hair’s width away from living on the street.
I second the idea of a college town. Usually safer, more up to date in terms of infrastructure (no Hoss's steak house) and energetic and diverse people. On the other hand, my daughter moved to one of the better neighborhoods in downtown Baltimore and really likes it. Walk to most things and plenty of nightlife and working professionals. Cities usually have their better areas. My other daughter moved to DC where the energy and traffic is too much for me, but she enjoys it for now. Salaries are nice.

I do like coming home to see it is the way I left it. Any mess is my own doing. Every weekend is a potential vacation. In some ways I've become closer to my daughters after they moved out in terms of regular calls and every day being interested in what they are doing. Also, probably because they are now starting a regular job and need advice and that's something I do have experience in (too much). Recently got a call from my youngest asking for help in Excel and complaining about what others have done to the project in terms of bad info. We were on the phone for almost 2 hours. Was really nice.