Engine wont run consistent


New Member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norfolk, VA
So I got my carb rebuilt on my 70' 300, replaced the air filter, replaced distributer, cap and rotor, plugs and wires. It starts up and idles just fine, however as soon as you give it a hair of gas it likes to bog down and seems like it almost stalls. If you give it some more gas and hold it, the engine will not stay consistent. It will hold it, then dip down, then shoot back up to where it was, and repeat. Anyone know what could be the cause of this? Thanks!
This is going to be a 100 step trouble shooting process.
1. Check and recheck every vacuum line you can find for leaks.
2. Are all unused ports capped.
3. Retorque the carburetor bolts.
BTW, successful rebuilds on carbs aren't very high.
After that, we'll move on to 4.

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