Perhaps he was practicing "Touch and go?" HA!
The video took way too long to get to the punchline.
Guess they gotta be a certain length to assist monetizing them. Otherwise, yeah, no reason to be that long. It wasnt that complicated.
I flew in a DC-10 and 727 testbed that our own pilots flew. More than once we had double or triple bounce landings and several times either the ceiling panels and/or the face masks dropped.
the pilots were all retired Air Force or Navy pilots. They all thought that they were flying highly modified fighter jets. They also were program managers who were horrible at it, because their dicks got hard every time they heard an engine start, dropping everything to fly.
Seems if you whomp on the bricks hard enough to deploy the O2 masks/open an overhead door, you aint gonna "go around". you may at least have some flat tires, or structural damage to the landing gear assy.
I had nearly 10 million FF miles in 30 years. most of it due to international stuff. I have had them lose (blow out, not come off) tires on landing .. we didnt (thankfully - they must know if they blew tires via a cockpit monitor) go around.
No obvious damage in the cabin, but you felt the hit for sure. Could be disqueiting.
I have had them abort landings (a 747 into Hong Kong, seems less than 100 feet from touch down and aborted .. that big sum-gun gunned its four engines, plane pirouetted like a ballerina, and flew like a gymnast off a balance beam, and spiral-climbed outta there. Then came arround and landed perfectly. Never said why he aborted the first time.
about 4:10 to 4:50 below, you can see what one of these big rascals can do if they have too. Aint a F22, but it could get outta a scrape if it needed to
a diffrent vid of a rough Hong Kong landing due to its notorious winds.
I have had a couple 747 abort takeoffs. Nothing to it. but we had to switch planes for the flight afterward. they likely serviced it, checked tires, etc, but needed (out of caution) another plane to get passengers on their way.
this is a couple minutes .. they made the brakes as bad as they could, got to 200 mph, didnt use engine brakes (thrust reversers), and then slammed on brakes to simulate aborted takeoff.
Assorted other skirmishes. including clear-air turbulence .. but always shiny side up. So far so good at least.