Eventually no one will have jobs

Slick Willie (1).JPG

Slick Willie (1).JPG
It's the millennials. Don't blame us Gen Xers.
Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs was on a crusade not too long ago trying to promote skilled trades. The problem is that these jobs are now being viewed as low brow. Kids today would rather waste thier parents money by going to college and studying liberal arts.

Ah, but who are their parents?
Ah, but who are their parents?

Perhaps parenting is the toughest job of all. You can do everything right & still get a bad review. I put the blame on technology. Cell phones & computers. Back in the day, just a wooded area, a dirt pile, or a bicycle would provide endless hours of entertainment. Now everyone thinks they can make it big with zero effort. I'll develop a new app, be on a reality show, or do a new start up. Put in my 30 minutes of time & bam, I can live the life because I'm special. lol

Try this one on for size. Year old data, so the situation is worse now. How deep US is going playing look at me...
