Everyone's welcome


Active Member
Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
Johns Island SC
Just want to say, let's remember people are free to enjoy this hobby as they wish. It's not for us to sit back and say what anyone should do with his or her car. No one has to answer to anyone here or feel shunned for their choices. None of us knows the whole story of a member who comes here. Someone might not agree with what you do with your car but you should feel welcome here. Not everyone has a bank account to devote to the care of their car (I don't!) Some here would criticize me for letting my car sit out in the weather. Well these big old c-bodies sit on Craigslist week after week and no one buys them. That's why I felt, no one else wants this car, so at least I will enjoy it for a while. Yes a nice, running car COULD be restored but that just isn't happening today. If I wanted to tear my car apart today, would it be such a big loss to humankind? There would still be plenty of examples out there. One day almost all our cars will end up as junk. Let's just live and let live with everyone's choices and be friendly on the site. Have a nice day.
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Group hugs aside I agree that condemning someone for destroying a decent example of what WE here see value in is somewhat self-righteous. Most members are here because of their interest in these rapidly disappearing reminders of a better time. Too see a driver quality car be cannibalized for what WE consider less than worthy reasons is unfortunate but how many of us have roamed the junkyards and hoards willing to yank cut break slice bend or otherwise harvest the needed part to breathe life into our own projects. I don't agree with the needless destruction of running driving otherwise decent examples of our particular focus in this forum but where do we draw the line as to what is to be saved versus what is to be sacrificed? I have seen some members here resurrect cars that I would have given no thought to dismantling as I don't possess those skills but as we have recently seen there are many cars sacrificing their parts that could be saved with a little attention. Given time and money I would like most here save as many of these cars as humanly possible but given the fact I have little of both I have come to the conclusion that good cars die and I can't save them all. Condemn you for stripping a decent Cbody? No, but feel sad that another one is gone ....YES. JMHO

BTW I would hack a Phord to pieces for a single bolt and not think twice about it....perspective it's all about perspective
I agree with everything said here but will add this. If we do not in a courteous,diplomatic way voice our opinions then this will not be a forum anymore., just show and tell. In the end people will put that wing or largest tire etc or do whatever no matter what people suggest.
Did something happen here or elsewhere to you goldfish65? It sounds a little that you got your feelings hurt in some way?
Hi Goldfish65,

I appreciate the thought of "to each his own" but not at the expense of the hobby. No one on here will tell you that you have to restore a car to concourse but before you alter it beyond repair, see if someone else wants to buy it. If you want to keep it for 20 years in driver condition just keeping it running, that's totally acceptable by everyone here.

My problem is that many C's are purchased for the BB engine. Go to C-list or Ebay and you'll find many ads for 383's and 440's without a car attached, cheaper than people are paying for drivers to cannibalize. In my book that's disrespectful to the hobby and simply doesn't make sense. They're only original once and to take a motor out of a nice driver to fake a GTX or Road Runner is ridiculous. Oh, they don't call them fakes anymore....Clones....Tributes....FAKES!

WARNING :soapbox: If you take the live and let live too far, you end up with "undocumented aliens" NO they're ILLEGAL aliens, we're still a country of laws. If I steal a car, I'm not the "undocumented owner", I'm a thief. Placating bad behavior is not the answer to anything. My father had a saying, "If someone's an *******, you've got to tell them, otherwise they'll walk around thinking they're normal."
I guess I would agree with your point of view for the most part. I have always had the view that it's your car and that you can and should be able to do whatever you want to it/with it. If you want to restore it back to showroom condition, to the point where every bolt and screw is factory correct and you can afford to do it, I say great. Go for it. You will have a beautiful car when you're finished and you will have my respect and admiration. If you choose to go the other route and give the car a paint job that wasn't a factory color and you decide that you want some pinstriping or even ghost flames on your car, modify the engine, install chrome exhaust tips and some aftermarket wheels to complete the look, if you did decent work, you will also have a beautiful car, as well as my respect and admiration. If you can only afford to get your car running and make it roadworthy, you also deserve and will get my respect and admiration. You have, at least temporarily, saved a classic car and brought another classic car into the hobby and we should all thank you for that.

What a lot of people in the hobby seem to forget is that the automotive hobby is not only about restoring cars. It's also largely about modifying, hot rodding and customizing cars. The customizing part of it can make me shudder sometimes because there are quite a few people who should never be allowed anywhere near a Sawsall. Do they and should they have the right to cut up an otherwise perfectly good car? Yes, it's their property, they bought it and paid for it. So yeah, they should have the right. Should we try to talk them out of doing it, provided they tell us their intentions? Of course we should, but in the end it's their choice. I hate seeing cars where someone cut the roof, trying to "chop" the car and never finishing it only to have the car end up at the scrapyard waiting to be crushed. I hate seeing butchered monstrosities that are the result of someone trying to make an "El Ranchero" out of a decent hardtop. So, yeah, if they tell you they're planning something like that, by all means, try to persuade them not to do it. Those attempts at customization almost always result in a ruined car. On the other hand, a non-factory paint job/color and aftermarket wheels does not ruin a car (if no cutting of body or chassis was done in order to make the wheels fit).

What bothers me? What do I have no tolerance for? Well, at one extreme end of our hobby, I have no tolerance for what I refer to as the snobbery of matching numbers. There's a lot of it on certain other car forums and it occasionally has tried to creep in over here too and there always seems to be at least one or two at local shows and cruise nights. At the other extreme end are the guys who call themselves car guys, but seem to have no second thoughts about entering classic cars into demo derbies and then justify it by saying that it was not their particular brand or body style of choice. Just because they wouldn't build or restore that particular brand or model doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't. By derbying it, they have prevented one more classic car from potentially entering the hobby or at least becoming a parts car and some of them don't even sell the parts they strip off the car. I have no tolerance for those types at all. Both of these extremes in our hobby can keep people out of our hobby by making them feel unwelcome and by making it prohibitively expensive and extremely difficult to obtain parts and, in my opinion, hurt the entire hobby in general and do deserve to be criticized.
AFAIAC, It's your car... but if it shows up here... Non members cars from for sale ads or whatever are fair game. I do hope I haven't been too hard on any members, I try not to be. I do try to lend advice if I think it will help. I have had members do nice things for me and I try to be good to the membership in general, and maybe a little favoritism towards the ones I connect with.

If you ASK, you get what you get... this is the internet after all.
Quite a leap from saying someone's entitled to do whatever they want with a car they bought and paid for, to approving of illegal aliens. All I'm saying is not everyone shares a certain viewpoint of how a car should be used, and people who think their viewpoint is "the best" could be considered by others as the kind of person your father was referring to.
Yes some people can be rather abrupt. Any thing I read here or anywhere else especially these days in the news too etc I start every statement on their behalf for them by saying to myself "In my opinion",,,,bla bla bla!!
Quite a leap from saying someone's entitled to do whatever they want with a car they bought and paid for, to approving of illegal aliens. All I'm saying is not everyone shares a certain viewpoint of how a car should be used, and people who think their viewpoint is "the best" could be considered by others as the kind of person your father was referring to.
Hi goldfish65,

I didn't mean to offend and I agree that my viewpoint of wanting to do a complete restoration on my car isn't the best or only viewpoint, it's only one of many viewpoints in the hobby. As I said at the beginning, If you want to keep your car as is for as long as you own it, I think everyone on here will appreciate your car and you'd get compliments, definitely from me, I'm sure I'd appreciate your car if I saw it and complement you on it.

As for the illegals, I started that with the soapbox because I was trying to make a point that if no one speaks up against things we disagree with, bad things happen, such as taking engines out of perfectly good cars for no good reason. The point was to show just how extreme that can become unchecked such as has happened with the liberal media wagging the dog and convincing the sheeple that it's "politically incorrect" or "offensive" to call a criminal a criminal.
If anyone feels that I am directing my comments at them personally, I'm not.

The two attitudes I mentioned do exist in our hobby, the "snobbery of matching numbers" attitude and the "it's not my particular brand or choice of body style, it's not a convertible, it's not a two door, ect." or "yeah, it's a Mopar, but it's only a C-body so it deserves to be derbied or sold for scrap value" attitude.
No offense taken or intended. I like to debate. And I agree there needs to be boundaries in society or else we end up where we are now.

A comment was made once to a buddy of mine who was parting an old c-body that "could have" been saved, it had been sitting on CL for a while and no one wanted it. He's a good, hardworking, helpful guy and it made me think, hey, let's remember, everyone's welcome here.
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When we get these around here... I'm going to have to quit.
i learned a long time ago , there were more then one of these cars coming off an assembly line . so if it custom or a resto or just a driver or a show'r . enjoy your deal , if your wish is to save everyone one you see . good luck more power to ya .
Interesting thread and I'll toss in my 2 cents.

First... It's your car. Some people like to criticize and very few of those critics even have a decent car of their own. I used to own a really nice A12 Roadrunner. Every once in a while someone would come up to me and point out a flaw or tell me I shouldn't have the Keystone wheels on it. My favorite response was (still is) "where's your car? Let's take a look at it and I'll tell you what's wrong". Of course, they never had a car.

Second, you're in South Carolina.... Sigh... Leaving a car outside isn't like it is here.

Third, myself, the only cars that I would be upset about if they were misused or cutup for parts are cars like a 6bbl SFGT. If you're gonna cut up a really nice 4 door sedan to restore your 70 300, well.. I'll lend you my sawzall. If you have a nice 4 door sedan that is your pride and joy, that's great too.

Fourth, and this really pisses me off at times. We are all car guys. If someone drives a Mustang or a Corvette, so what?? He has probably gone through the same things you had to for him to own that car. He might have spent thousands of hours restoring the 65 Mustang, just like others have spent restoring their Mopar. They might have just opened their wallet and bought a brand new one too... But we have a lot of guys in the hobby with Metric Challengers too. I understand the jokes and ribbing, I'm more than guilty of it too... But the hatred I hear sometimes baffles me.

OK, off my soapbox.
Six times I started to reply.
Gave up trying to express my thoughts.
So I'll simply leave it with I'm glad Cantflip and Carmine joined and now put their thoughts to the keyboard and I can just sit back now.
I miss Ross...
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...Every once in a while someone would come up to me and point out a flaw or tell me I shouldn't have the Keystone wheels on it. My favorite response was (still is) "where's your car? Let's take a look at it and I'll tell you what's wrong"...

A custom plate on a local car

car show 041.jpg
Thanks to all who shared their thoughts on this thread. I can't seem to help going on these tangents now and then, and I always regret it. I am sorry I brought up a touchy subject.
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