Everyone's welcome

I agree that ownership has the final say. But if anyone is coming to a forum titled " for C bodies only" they might want to consider that most on here have a degree of passion for them. If that person is destroying a good car for the the purpose of profit or making a half assed clone they may want to be prepared. Same as going to the B body site and doing the same to one of their loves.
I am under no delusion that all the cars I like will be preserved simply because "I like them". I doubt the thoughts I post on an Internet forum amount to a hill of beans, especially when it comes to convincing a truly determined dumbass.

Nor do I want to live in a world where all actions related to private property must be approved by the consensus of a group.

Sometimes it's just nice to vent. Sometimes my opinion gets changed.

Tomorrow I could get hit by a bus driven by someone who has never heard of C-bodies. Life can be brutal.

I hate safe spaces.

These are random thoughts posted because I'm having trouble sleeping; not normally an issue for me, lol.
Six times I started to reply.
Gave up trying to express my thoughts.
So I'll simply leave it with I'm glad Cantflip and Carmine joined and now put their their thoughts to the keyboard and I can just sit back now.
I miss Ross...
Thank you
What ever happened to Ross?
Ross is hanging on Facebook, isn't he?
Unless he was selling a Formal or Formal parts... I would never know. I didn't even use my real name on my facebook profile just to avoid the possibility of most folks finding me. I don't go there for anything but car stuff, and not too often at that.
Yes, thank you too.

I don't know who Ross was/is, but if you liked him, he must have been good folk.

PS: reading the Internet worked. I slept in till 5:42!

I really don't have much of a relationship with him... but if you read back the next time you can't sleep. His "Pimperial" is a tasteful custom, he has saved other cars and received a lot of crap around here... I admire his good form when someone mouthed off to him and the fact that he did all he has done... not just dreamed about it.

If he makes Carlisle again, I would like to meet him.
I really don't have much of a relationship with him... but if you read back the next time you can't sleep. His "Pimperial" is a tasteful custom, he has saved other cars and received a lot of crap around here... I admire his good form when someone mouthed off to him and the fact that he did all he has done... not just dreamed about it.

If he makes Carlisle again, I would like to meet him.

I didn't know who you were talking about until you mentioned the Pimperial, that is a very nice car and I'd love to see it in person some day.
Thanks to all who shared their thoughts on this thread. I can't seem to help going on these tangents now and then, and I always regret it. I am sorry I brought up a touchy subject.

From my point of view, there is nothing for you to apologize for. This is a place for spirited disagreements. As someone pointed out on this forum a while back, if everyone had the same opinions, this would be a boring site and I wouldn't be here.

I don't think you, I, or anyone else went beyond any limits other than that often times opinions voiced through text are easily misinterpreted because they are not clearly conveyed as they would be if talking in person.

In the big picture, we're talking about cars so although I have strong opinions on some topics, it's still just a hobby and doesn't mean anything compared to family, friends and the real stresses of life.
Again? Not sure he's ever been.
I thought he had made it once... must be the OH show I will probably not ever get to (at least unless I skip Carlisle to do so).
From my point of view, there is nothing for you to apologize for. This is a place for spirited disagreements. As someone pointed out on this forum a while back, if everyone had the same opinions, this would be a boring site and I wouldn't be here.

I don't think you, I, or anyone else went beyond any limits other than that often times opinions voiced through text are easily misinterpreted because they are not clearly conveyed as they would be if talking in person.

In the big picture, we're talking about cars so although I have strong opinions on some topics, it's still just a hobby and doesn't mean anything compared to family, friends and the real stresses of life.
Nailed it... I come here to enjoy the cars, argue a little and mostly watch others do the same. Finding parts and helping each other save the cars may be the purpose for membership... but isn't that much fun with out the camaraderie and horsing around.
I come because Mark Zukerburg won't have me.

Just want to say, let's remember people are free to enjoy this hobby as they wish. It's not for us to sit back and say what anyone should do with his or her car. ....
You promote a false dichotomy with which I strongly disagree and that is sadly reflective of the general direction of recent societal discourse particularly most recently in the political arena. It is absolutely your right to do with your property what you see fit subject to not directly and negatively impacting my welfare. But you absolutely have no right to constrain my my opinion regarding your behaviour particularly here in a forum. It's called free speech and constitutes one of our fundamental rights and be damned to anyone that tries to shut me up particularly when it comes to the rape and pillage of our beloved C Bodies. With every right come responsibilities. Where some people tend to go off the rails is they allow their opinions and criticisms to devolve into personal attacks. The definition of a forum is a place where ideas and issues on views are exchanged. No ideas or opinions should be out of bounds with the only stipulation being the prohibition of personal attacks. My .02.
Facebook Censors Opinions they Dont like. Same with alot of Social Media. They are all pure evil.