Old Man with a Hat
Thanks for some balance to the discussion.
Every day that apathy on the one side and hate on the other side for differing points of view grows, China becomes increasingly the world leader.
Except that in the "real world"; that is the non-virtual, non-Internet, non-media-driven; face-to-face world...
No one really cares about this.
No one is missing a day of work, a meal, a car payment, getting divorced, or jumping off a bridge on one side or the other because of Colin Kapernick, Judge Kavanaugh or whatever crisis has been ginned-up this week. This morning I met with the branch manager at my bank. She was a different "race" than me. In small talk I learned her father worked at Chrysler and how much she wanted to work there as an account. This lead to talk about some Trump policies that I obviously supported. Do you think she threw a chair at me? Later, when she noted my Italian name, she told me how much she loved I-talian food. Do you think I was so upset at the implication that I would thus be a great cook that I shoved all the papers off her desk? No. I wrote her a recipie.
Here's a clip that I intentionally chose because the guy is bending over backwards to say receiving payment for your beliefs is "normal". It's long winded. It's redundant and you'll learn nothing new by watching the last half (but feel free by all means).
It reminds me of a 90 y/o woman I know who is convinced the world is a scary, dangerous place to be feared. Why? Because she never leaves her home and watches TV all day. She has no idea how much of this is theater and doesn't believe me when I tell her.
Personally I think democracy is in better shape than at any time in recent memory. What you're witnessing is the death-convulsions of a mass-influence machine that's never been challenged.
"The nightly news", the NYTimes, the Globalist daily... who would NEVER publish something like the photos of a protester being paid... burn-baby-burn!
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