F Nike!

Thanks for some balance to the discussion.

Every day that apathy on the one side and hate on the other side for differing points of view grows, China becomes increasingly the world leader.

Except that in the "real world"; that is the non-virtual, non-Internet, non-media-driven; face-to-face world...

No one really cares about this.

No one is missing a day of work, a meal, a car payment, getting divorced, or jumping off a bridge on one side or the other because of Colin Kapernick, Judge Kavanaugh or whatever crisis has been ginned-up this week. This morning I met with the branch manager at my bank. She was a different "race" than me. In small talk I learned her father worked at Chrysler and how much she wanted to work there as an account. This lead to talk about some Trump policies that I obviously supported. Do you think she threw a chair at me? Later, when she noted my Italian name, she told me how much she loved I-talian food. Do you think I was so upset at the implication that I would thus be a great cook that I shoved all the papers off her desk? No. I wrote her a recipie.

Here's a clip that I intentionally chose because the guy is bending over backwards to say receiving payment for your beliefs is "normal". It's long winded. It's redundant and you'll learn nothing new by watching the last half (but feel free by all means).


It reminds me of a 90 y/o woman I know who is convinced the world is a scary, dangerous place to be feared. Why? Because she never leaves her home and watches TV all day. She has no idea how much of this is theater and doesn't believe me when I tell her.

Personally I think democracy is in better shape than at any time in recent memory. What you're witnessing is the death-convulsions of a mass-influence machine that's never been challenged.

"The nightly news", the NYTimes, the Globalist daily... who would NEVER publish something like the photos of a protester being paid... burn-baby-burn!
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They don’t agree with you so they’re losers? So much for balance!
Suck it up, Nike made a business decision, based on will it sell more shoes in the long, momentary drop in srock price, they knew. Does it bring social awarded to the actual problem of people being mistreated by the police, and does it pis off the man child in the white house
Wonder how many colleges are going to rethink their Nike wear?
I love it! This thread has shown how Americans have become distracted by bright lights, rock stars, atheltes, and anything that can potentially suck dollars out of our pockets. Why do we put so much emphasis on these people who don't live anything like us? They weren't all born with a silver spoon in their mouths, some had a rough life, and a hard road to get where they are, that's something to look up to, hard work can equal success. I don't care what some millionaire playing a game thinks about, well, anything! Play your game that takes three hours or more out of my Sunday, and if you're on my team, WIN! What is Madonna saying this month on the rights of the Indian Flying Fox? Or what muscian is telling me my dog is evil, because it wears fur?

I've been trying to understand why society cares about people, who mostly don't care about them. Rich, well to do, people who are in some other world once the money comes flowing in. Sure many do good things with their time and money, JJ Watts is w great example, but if the NFL didn't exist, would your life be any different? I wouldn't have the five or six jerseys I do, and some hats. I'm more concerned with what my family is doing and thinks, not someone who has no bearing on what occurs during my daily life. Just like when a signer, moviestar, or politician dies, why do we put such an emphasis on them? They are human, just like us, and died, just like we will. And when did we stop saying someone died? What's wrong with the simple honesty of death? We've become such a easy to control bunch of half-wits these days. I haven't watched the news in the last three months, and it feels awesome! I just have to guess why the flag is at half-mast every three weeks. Sorry for the rambling nonsense I've just spewed.
Except that in the "real world"; that is the non-virtual, non-Internet, non-media-driven; face-to-face world...

No one really cares about this.

No one is missing a day of work, a meal, a car payment, getting divorced, or jumping off a bridge on one side or the other because of Colin Kapernick, Judge Kavanaugh or whatever crisis has been ginned-up this week. This morning I met with the branch manager at my bank. She was a different "race" than me. In small talk I learned her father worked at Chrysler and how much she wanted to work there as an account. This lead to talk about some Trump policies that I obviously supported. Do you think she threw a chair at me? Later, when she noted my Italian name, she told me how much she loved I-talian food. Do you think I was so upset at the implication that I would thus be a great cook that I shoved all the papers off her desk? No. I wrote her a recipie.

Here's a clip that I intentionally chose because the guy is bending over backwards to say receiving payment for your beliefs is "normal". It's long winded. It's redundant and you'll learn nothing new by watching the last half (but feel free by all means).

View attachment 211210

It reminds me of a 90 y/o woman I know who is convinced the world is a scary, dangerous place to be feared. Why? Because she never leaves her home and watches TV all day. She has no idea how much of this is theater and doesn't believe me when I tell her.

Personally I think democracy is in better shape than at any time in recent memory. What you're witnessing is the death-convulsions of a mass-influence machine that's never been challenged.

"The nightly news", the NYTimes, the Globalist daily... who would NEVER publish something like the photos of a protester being paid... burn-baby-burn!

Yes, Germany ignored some troubling changes in its government and attitudes not too long ago and it didn't end well. Keep up the good work and just ignore the problems that are in our face, and not just in the news media. You need to get out more and stop looking at all the conspiracy websites. :poke:
Yes, Germany ignored some troubling changes in its government and attitudes not too long ago and it didn't end well. Keep up the good work and just ignore the problems that are in our face, and not just in the news media. You need to get out more and stop looking at all the conspiracy websites. :poke:

Comparisons to Nazi Germany are simply asinine. Hitler was sent to spy on "the workers party" (which later became known as the socialist party) and decided he preferred their ideology to the Weimar Republic.

He became their party leader for almost 10 years and was imprisoned for attempting to overthrow the government.

Almost two years into this presidency and I haven't seen an opposition party jailed, an SS equivalent or youth movement formed, mass books burning or local governments taken over. All things Hitler had accomplished by 1933. Wake me up when the window-smashing begins.. Oh wait, who's doing that again?


What a slacker Trump must be! Oh my Goodness! He questions the impartiality of conglomerate media organizations using social media! I'm swooning! He speaks bluntly! I've got the vapors!

In a true totalitarian state, the "resistance" would be on fire, not old gym shoes. Colin Kapernick would be in a ditch, not getting his own line of rip-off clothing.

And they say Trump exaggerates?

As for conspiracy websites... I intentionally chose a youtuber who was sympathetic to the people being paid to protest.
Wonder how many colleges are going to rethink their Nike wear?

Are you kidding? The students will accuse the athletic departments of being racist-misogynist-homophobic if they use anything BUT Nike.

I think it's pathetic, but from a dollars and cents standpoint, it's brilliant.
I really don’t see a sales boom as they pretty much own the marketslready. I do see some sales loss. Don’t get companies going political or P.C. in their advertising. The way political lines are drawn they’re alienating half the country.
They don’t agree with you so they’re losers? So much for balance!

I was using the term collectively to us as a nation if we don't support reasonable dialog with people of different views and heed legitimate warning signs of concern.

I also don't need to be compared to a 90 year old lady who is a shut-in and therefore have her warped perspective of reality or perhaps dementia as pretty clearly implied. His intention was clear, whereas as for my intent, it is worth clearing it up to avoid something I did not intend to be personal as I don't think Carmine is a "loser" based on his many messages on this site that I do agree with. And he works for the same company that I did, so he must have considerable competence to even get in the door.

And any conspiracy website can also stage fake interviews or claim anything else in this day and are probably even less reliable than more mainstream news of which we at least know something about the background. We know with the background of major news outlets ranging from Fox to CNN, they are owned by wealthy people who control the narrative of most of them. So whether you trust one or not depends a little on knowing who the owners are and what message they are likely to have you believe and whether they are balanced in their range of opinions, as at least one indicator of their worthiness.

Time has a way of revealing the wisdom of our elected officials, and hopefully the checks and balances set in place by our Constitution will ferret out those who are capable and wise and those who are not. Most folks on this site have made clear their take on all of this, so all we can do now is wait and see unless we actually want to consider other opinons and not just try our best to immediately trash them. Respect seems to be a lost commodity any more.
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I don't get it.

On the one hand you are obviously a sold out Trump supporter, and then you post a photo that says "Keep America Great Again", thereby acknowledging that Obama did a great job in pulling us out of the 2008 crash in the economy and that you want to maintain America being great. Glad to see you seeing at least the past clearly. :p
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I don't get it.

On the one hand you are obviously a sold out Trump supporter, and then you post a photo that says "Keep America Great Again", thereby acknowledging that Obama did a great job in pulling us out of the 2008 crash in the economy and that you want to maintain America being great. Glad to see you seeing at least the past clearly. :p

Step away from the Kool Aid.
I don't get it.

On the one hand you are obviously a sold out Trump supporter, and then you post a photo that says "Keep America Great Again", thereby acknowledging that Obama did a great job in pulling us out of the 2008 crash in the economy and that you want to maintain America being great. Glad to see you seeing at least the past clearly. :p

If you look closely at that particular meme, the "@keep America great" line is the one who made said meme. Nice try there, Steve-o. :D

And for the record, I am not a "sold out" Trump supporter. While I did vote for him (with a theoretical gun to my head, because there was no f'n way I was voting for Hitlery), I agree with the core of his policies, but I cant say I always agree with how he executes them. That notwithstanding, he has produced results, and that is all that matters. :thumbsup: