ATTENTION FCBO Marketplace Rules

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Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
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FCBO Marketplace Rules

Please adhere to the following rules in this forum. Failure to do so may result in your post being deleted without notice or explanation. Repeated violations may result in your being banned from this forum and/or the entire site.

We reserve the right to delete any ad or post for any reason or no reason, without notice or explanation.

Parts/Car Seller:

  1. Ads may NOT be placed by businesses. If you are a business contact the site Admin, Joeychgo for information on becoming a vendor.
  2. Have a descriptive Title. Dont just post C Body Parts in the title. Be more descriptive so the buyers know at least a little about what your selling. (Example Title: Newport Suspension Parts)
  3. No Bumping of ads. (unless a Gold member)
  4. FCBO Gold Members may bump once every 3 days.
  5. No repeated posting of same ad for one week.
  6. Please try to limit each thread to 1 part unless the parts are directly related. (ie Newport Suspension Parts)
  7. eBay auctions are permitted, but please give some detail of the item as well as the eBay link. DO NOT post just the eBay item number, post the link. Same thing goes with Craigslist or other 3rd party sites.
  8. You must Post either an Asking Price or Make offer with a BIN Price. (We prefer you post an asking price)
  9. Location (Preferably City & State) MUST be in the ad
  10. Please mark the item SOLD in the thread when the item(s) are sold. (We dont delete ads - please dont ask us to)
  11. Do NOT post email addresses or phone numbers in your ad or in any response to an ad. Use the PM feature. Only FCBO Gold Members may place email and phone numbers in ads. (it is not recommended due to privacy concerns)
  12. Do not argue with others in the thread.
  13. Photos may help sell the part/car. Post Photos of the part for sale. If you don't have photos yet, don't post until you do.
  1. You may NOT post commentary in this forum.
  2. You MAY post relevant questions about the item being sold.
  3. Do not negotiate price in the ad. Do this by PM.
  4. No flaming of sellers or their products.
Suggested Ad Format:
[Part Name] For Sale
Shipping from [City, State]
Price: [$$$$$] OR [eBay Link]
Payment Methods Accepted:
[Item Description]
[Item Photos]

Be a Good Buyer / Seller
Pay fast / ship fast. Keep the lines of communication open. Give tracking numbers, let people know when an item has been shipped, etc. This is all common sense. Treat others how you would want to be treated.

FCBO has no control over sellers or buyers, these are free, self service unpaid ads, so be cautious and careful with your on-line transactions. Know who you are dealing with before you send any money. Use your head. If a member has just a few posts, been a member for just a short time, and wants a money order, you might want to be a little concerned.

FCBO Moderators, Owners and Administrators are not responsible and will take no action regarding the sale of items on this website between members.

If you are a business and have a product or service that would be of interest to our members, contact the Administrator, Joeychgo, to learn how you can help support our community and become a FCBO Vendor. We offer several low-cost advertising packages that can be of great benefit to your company. You may not advertise on our website unless you have FCBO vendor status. This includes sending PMs, signatures, etc.

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