Feel like a damned criminal!!!???

Newport 66

Old Man with a Hat
Aug 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancaster, WI
Just came from my local drug store, picking up a prescription. Walked in the store without my mask, box with masks for customers was empty and no one at the counter. So, I proceed to follow the arrows back to the pharmacy department to get my drugs. Lady walks out of the employee area and barks at me "where's your mask!!!" I told her I didn't have one in the car I was driving and your box is empty. She again barked "well next time have it on!"
Talk about feeling like a damned outlaw....
Just came from my local rug store, picking up a prescription. Walked in the store without my mask, box with masks for customers was empty and no one at the counter. So, I proceed to follow the arrows back to the pharmacy department to get my drugs. Lady walks out of the employee area and barks at me "where's your mask!!!" I told her I didn't have one in the car I was driving and your box is empty. She again barked "well next time have it on!"
Talk about feeling like a damned outlaw....
Maybe you wouldn't have been treated as badly at a drug store.:lol:
Just came from my local drug store, picking up a prescription. Walked in the store without my mask, box with masks for customers was empty and no one at the counter. So, I proceed to follow the arrows back to the pharmacy department to get my drugs. Lady walks out of the employee area and barks at me "where's your mask!!!" I told her I didn't have one in the car I was driving and your box is empty. She again barked "well next time have it on!"
Talk about feeling like a damned outlaw....
Was the 'barker' wearing a mask at least?
Times are changing ;)
If you remember, last year at this time, you were a criminal if you enterd a store, gas station or bank with a mask.
And today...

I work in a grocery store and MUST wear a mask for the entire 8 hours of work. I can only take it off for food or drink during the break. It's really not funny, but if it helps save lives, I do it!
This stuff has completely gotten out of control. My cousin (completely deaf, reads lips) has been having an insanely hard time with communicating during all this craziness. Just the other day she got lit up by some random patron because she asked the store clerk to lower their mask so that she could read their lips. I hope that patron felt like a dirtbag after my cousin started "signing" back... sheesh.
This stuff has completely gotten out of control. My cousin (completely deaf, reads lips) has been having an insanely hard time with communicating during all this craziness. Just the other day she got lit up by some random patron because she asked the store clerk to lower their mask so that she could read their lips. I hope that patron felt like a dirtbag after my cousin started "signing" back... sheesh.

This is really a big problem. As a non-disabled person, you don't think about such things at all. I hope your cousin has otherwise a more understanding environment.
This is really a big problem. As a non-disabled person, you don't think about such things at all. I hope your cousin has otherwise a more understanding environment.
Her demeanor is pretty awesome, I have to say. Instead of being understandably ticked off, she just let it slide. She's developed multiple ways of communicating with various folks, but even then, some of them have been limited.
Her demeanor is pretty awesome, I have to say. Instead of being understandably ticked off, she just let it slide. She's developed multiple ways of communicating with various folks, but even then, some of them have been limited.

Great respect for everyone with a handicap who does not give up :thumbsup:
The one McDonalds in Oakland Co. that allows inside dining has an issue with guys not wearing masks inside. With two landfills within a mile, garbage men are in and out all day long with 80% percent of the guys not wearing masks. They just look at everyone else just daring someone to say something. The 16 yr old at the counter won’t say anything so I expect to see the health dept. shutting the place down.
The offenders usually fall into two stereotypes. I’ll let you guess.
Terrible. We spent an hour in Sams club yesterday with no masks. All 4 of us. No one said anything. Went to Home depot the associate asked if I wanted one when I walked in. Said No thank you I don't work here.

The three or four hours in the dealership buying the new van we didn't wear masks.

Kids party on Saturday at a large trampoline park, no masks not even in the party room with the 40 something other people/kids. We ate at PF Changs after that, no masks in, out, or to the bathroom.

I simply refuse to participate in the game. If they want to scold me I won't spend my money there. Amazon is plenty happy to take my money.
I have been dealing with my mom who's dementia has came on strong in the last couple of months. When we've been out and about she takes off her mask and will not put it back on. She fights tooth and nail with dad when he tries to help her out. Lucky most everyone where we go with her knows her situation and are really nice about it.
Welcome to the new normal...... :(

Please don't use that term, it shows you accept it and that's more control for them! I refuse to do, or accept that!

I have been dealing with my mom who's dementia has came on strong in the last couple of months. When we've been out and about she takes off her mask and will not put it back on. She fights tooth and nail with dad when he tries to help her out. Lucky most everyone where we go with her knows her situation and are really nice about it.
That is a suck wad disease that my Dad succumbed to, Sorry for you to have to go through it!
Terrible. We spent an hour in Sams club yesterday with no masks. All 4 of us. No one said anything. Went to Home depot the associate asked if I wanted one when I walked in. Said No thank you I don't work here.

The three or four hours in the dealership buying the new van we didn't wear masks.

Kids party on Saturday at a large trampoline park, no masks not even in the party room with the 40 something other people/kids. We ate at PF Changs after that, no masks in, out, or to the bathroom.

I simply refuse to participate in the game. If they want to scold me I won't spend my money there. Amazon is plenty happy to take my money.

While I agree with you, here in Michigan the Health Dept will shut down a restaurant, bar, store etc. for not enforcing a mask rule. The sheriff’s office here won’t enforce saying this law is illegal. I’ll still wear a mask in stores out of consideration of the employees and elderly susceptible folks. Don’t know for how long though.
I know Florida has relaxed their rules and opened things up. I look forward to my visit in Nov.