Bias ply tires might be pretty and correct BUTTTTT! Austin, Tx. to Portland, Or. in June of '96 got me the long distance award but new bias ply tirez on a '67 300 2dht for about 5,000 milez and two weekz on the road were the biggest PITA trip of my life. Yeah Yeah Yeah, when that'z all there waz we didn't know any better. And in todayz world you can not run any distance on Asphalt without finding double grovez to run in and bias plyz won't stay in the grovez for more then 100 yardz without heading for the berm or into the fast lane like rite now. Had I known how bad they were in the grovez I'd have gladly bought my friend and the car owner a set of radials just for the trip. Never again, Jer