Old Man with a Hat
With a ruptured diaphragm it would have a small vacuum leak, you may want to add a little more advance than the 5 degrees you have now when you swap out the distributor.
I would replace that rotten ground cable going to the battery.For those that noticed the missing power steering cap, I got a new one. Previous owner had aluminum foil and and pony tail holder around it.
So, a big thanks to Murray Park for having one to sell me!
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I bought the new line, just have prioritized the current problem.Change out that p/s return hose, the one with the split
It's on the list. Many things like that to do.I would replace that rotten ground cable going to the battery.
What did the reman distributor cost?
Since you will be handling the dizzy,put the Pertronix in the new dizzy and be done with the points.
If no resistance on the vacuum pod,replace it. If it leaks yes it will affect the way the engine idles.
Lots available on e bay.
Just make sure the degree number is the same or less. it is stamped on the vacuum advance arm.
I agree with Thrashingcows set her up without the vacuum advance. makes sure your vacuum port is capped for the dizzy at the carburetor
19 inches is good but still you need to address other issues.
Just a reminder that the vacuum port on the carb for the advance is a timed port. At idle it may not pull enough vacuum for the vacuum advance.Well, carb is a lot better. I can't get 600 idle like FSM says. I'm at 800, but it purrs now. No stalling in gear. Haven't drove it yet.
The Cardone distributor is junk. The screw that holds the points was stripped. It was like that out of the box. I thought it was supposed to be that way until I noticed my points wouldn't hold a gap. I took my original and used its parts to fix it. Also, the vacuum advance is not working, which is why I bought a reman distributor.
It ran great. Went out this morning to drive it work and it's gone to $_&@. No high idle. Lurches and sputters, barely run. Kept dying. I doubt it was doing better than 200-300 rpm. It isn't flooding.
My wife is tired of taking me to work. She has asked me to take it somewhere. There is a restoration shop 2 miles from me. No one else in my area will touch a pre 1990 car. I'm not a mechanic. I can change a part, do brakes and stuff but not carburetors.
As Dirty Harry said, a man's got to know his limitations. So, I'm going to let the nearby shop sort it out.