Flagstaff to Denver


Old Man with a Hat
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
Lompoc, CA
I'm panning my next road trip and I'm looking at going from Flagstaff to Denver leaving Denver west on I-70 to I-15

It looks like there are two basic options...
A. Stay on I-40 to Albuquerque and head north from there.
B. Head north from Flagstaff to I-70 and east into Denver

Either way my plan was to go to/through Moab and it isn't an issue to drop down from I-70 and back up to I-70

The thing is I like to see new areas and I have taken I-40 to Albuquerque
but if I go north from Flagstaff I'd be doubling back on I-70

It looks like the trade off is Albuquerque-Denver or Flagstaff-Moab
secondary is Flagstaff-Albuquerque or Denver-Moab

So which is more interesting


Albuquerque to Denver is an nice ride through Santa Fe past Pike's peak and through Colorado springs.
I remember a big meteor crater in the Flagstaff area ( Winslow ) , with a museum......
Was interesting.
Moab is great to stay for a day or two...

Not so many scenic routes in the area you,r going.
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Barracuda would be cool.
It is getting a new engine right now and will probably be done, I am thinking about it.
In 2009 I took the Barracuda on a 2200 mile trip into Oregon

Crater Lake