FM Converter question


New Member
Oct 16, 2023
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Upper Michigan
Anyone have any experience with one of these converters for an AM radio?
Thinking of trying one for the Sporty.
Anyone have any experience with one of these converters for an AM radio?
Thinking of trying one for the Sporty.
If you are talking about one of those little converters that hang under the dash, I used those years ago in a couple cars. At best, they weren't great back then. I doubt if they are any better. now. When there was a strong signal with no AM interference, they were passable. Weak signal and AM interference and it was horrible. Even when working correctly, the FM channel tended to drift in use. An old AM radio often has some similar drift, and since the converter broadcasts on AM, that may make things worse.

Really my experience was always having to tweak the tuning. Now if you can get one free or at least cheap, it's nothing to hook up and use, so try it for yourself. I wouldn't pay much for one.

A better, but more expensive, is to have the radio converted. I've had two converted and sending another for conversion this winter. Aurora FMR Stereo Conversion

Got one in our 69 Fury.
It works best with local stations.
Last year I bought a blue tooth speaker and download music on my phone.
With a few cars with original radios the bluetooth it the way to go!

I had my 67 Coronets radio converted to AM/FM Bluetooth. Great set up , installs as it should and still looks original.