Forcbodiesonly members

Here's his jacket............

Keyboard Warriors.jpg
I copied this from your graveyard thread:

all they said was you should of looked before posting a new thread

That was all it took for you to get on the defensive and start criticizing the people who could help you. They were just offering a little advice to a new member.
They can be a handful, but they can be helpful. Name calling doesn't win you any friends either. Oh, that's right, you didn't ask for friends. Keep up your current attitude and, ask and you shall receive. I'll give you another chance to not act like a brat and show you can participate in a discussion like a rational human.
Under 1 per day, you guys must have cleaned out half of Bloodymore. Either or the Moving Thugs Around system has been down.
I like it here. Everyone welcomed me even though I don't have a C-body, at least not yet. The people are generally great. Well, except for Stormer, but there's always one... ;)