Found: The smoking gun. Who Obama really is


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
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Sebring, Florida
and how he feels about many of the citizens of our nstion that he was voted in to be the ruler of.

"President Obama has enraged American Christians by urging them not to "get on a high horse" over atrocities committed in the name of Islam."

"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.

"In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Payback is a ***** for being an American white Christian.
I'm sorry. So I shall be more understanding about the 9-11, then...
When are humans going to wise up and stop doing dumb **** in the name god? I'd love to think soon but I highly doubt it.

Whenever somebody tells me that they believe in god it makes me seriously question their intelligence.
When are humans going to wise up and stop doing dumb **** in the name god? I'd love to think soon but I highly doubt it.

Whenever somebody tells me that they believe in god it makes me seriously question their intelligence.
I don't want to get in a pissing match over beliefs but since you opened the door, whenever anyone tells me they don't believe in god it seriously makes me question their intelligence.
Isn't Obama actually saying that they are many, many years behind the Christians in development? At least he gave them a sound clip for propaganda. What a dumbass!
I don't want to get in a pissing match over beliefs but since you opened the door, whenever anyone tells me they don't believe in god it seriously makes me question their intelligence.
Touché, lol...
I don't think that belief or not in God has anything to do with this. I could care less about the Christianity aspect.

I interpret Obama's philosophy that he believes the American way of life has to be changed.

I'm sorry but I believe the POTUS is elected by the people who most support their views. I therefor believe now that he is a Trojan Horse for Radical Muslimism to overtake America.

We had a chant back in the seventies:
America! Love it or leave it.
I also believe in isolationism. We are who we are and you are what you are. We need to GetTF out of meddling in affairs outside of No. America and concentrate on fixing stuff here.
Are you kidding me, Stan? It's all about religion and has been for thousands of years.
I see it as Culture.

People are comfortable with the culture they are born and raised in.
Change cant be ordered by government.
Change has to come within the culture.
Nobody in America would condone how our own culture was as rececently as the fifties. Back of the bus. I'm horrified that was of culture. The Trojan Horse now wants to put most of us to the back of the bus. The blacks never should have been and any American shouldn't be now ordered to by Extremist Radical Muslims. They view Americans as inferior.
500 years from now Radical Muslism will be viewed the same as The Crusades.and The Inquistion.
I really misspoke when I said belief in god. What I really meant to say is that I don't understand how someone could hold on to the claim that the earth is only 6,000 years old and that all men came from the garden of Eden. It is absolutely known beyond doubt that neither of those are true.
Now you're talking about Fundamentalism. Different topic, Ross.
I wouldn't care if 90% of America thinks * POOF * Here we are. I just want to go derust my trunk without having to stop and kneel at sundown or my head will be chopped off.
No diff than I don't want my door broken down and led to a ditch.
What I really meant to say is that I don't understand how someone could hold on to the claim that the earth is only 6,000 years old and that all men came from the garden of Eden.

I think that derives from the fact that what we consider Civilized Man dates back to around 4000 BC. So, Civilized Man has indeed been around 6,000 years. But, yeah, there are those that truly believe that the Earth is actually 6,000 years old and that dinosaurs shared time and space with humans...they're whacked.
Some of the most intelligent people I have ever met are also some of the biggest fools I have ever met...................................
I met a guy once and was saying dinosaurs Were on Noah's Ark he was clearly Delusional whether you believe in god or not is ok Just don't force your convictions on to others
The folks who put that man in the White House are the people to be sore at. The president is who he is. There are lots of people who saw thru the smoke and mirror game in 08', but unfortunately there are more people who believed all the bullshit platitudes, social justice and diversity garbage. Even at this dire point however, I still have faith because this IS america things can be salvaged after this total jackass is long gone. All bets off if the hag is able to get her fat *** elected. Shows over then.