Found: The smoking gun. Who Obama really is

When are humans going to wise up and stop doing dumb **** in the name god? I'd love to think soon but I highly doubt it.

Whenever somebody tells me that they believe in god it makes me seriously question their intelligence.
Bravo we have a free thinker on this board!
I don't want to get in a pissing match over beliefs but since you opened the door, whenever anyone tells me they don't believe in god it seriously makes me question their intelligence.
Sorry to burst your bubble but the big questions are being answered by physicists not preachers .
Your Leader sounds like a bit of a dick for sure !
We had a Prime Minister for three terms ( 9 looooooooong f#@%ing years ) who was a Lesbo and had 16 other gay cabinet ministers, who all thought they knew what was best for 'the people' of our country. Laws were changed under urgency at 3am in the morning when 'the people' could not oppose, they really changed the landscape for the worse. A muslim was voted into parliament during this time and they had to change they way that MPs' were sworn into power because he didn't believe in our system ( WTF! ).
With our MMP system four or five minor parties can combine their votes and rule against the party that gets the most votes - and this is democracy !
It took our country 9 years to realise we needed a change - I feel America's turn is coming.
The folks who put that man in the White House are the people to be sore at. The president is who he is. There are lots of people who saw thru the smoke and mirror game in 08', but unfortunately there are more people who believed all the bullshit platitudes, social justice and diversity garbage. Even at this dire point however, I still have faith because this IS america things can be salvaged after this total jackass is long gone. All bets off if the hag is able to get her fat *** elected. Shows over then.
The really great thing is that we can debate these issues without worrying about a knock on the least not yet.
The really great thing is that we can debate these issues without worrying about a knock on the least not yet.

First they have to pass gun registration... Then collect them after the next School shooting... THEN come the knocks on select doors.

It has been repeated several times in the history of other countries.
If you believe in the overriding goodness of this country then you believe in the overriding goodness of western civilization. There's a reason we don't have the Spanish Inquisition anymore or the crusades anymore, because we progressed. And that's the point. Despite centuries passing these bastards are still living in medieval times. The left in this country doesn't believe in the overriding goodness of this country or western civilization. They believe in moral equivalency and that because the US is the most powerful country in the world we need to be knocked down a peg. It's like being a Yankee "fan" and rooting for the other team because you just don't it's fair that the Yanks win all the time.
If you believe in the overriding goodness of this country then you believe in the overriding goodness of western civilization. .....
Sorry I just couldn`t let it go. In just the last century the Boer War, Hitler, Stalin, Rhodesia, South Africa, segregation & the KKK, Ireland, the former Yugoslavia. All of these had significant religious aspects. We need to be looking at root causes.
It's been downhill ever since the Iranians finally said, Enough of this bullshit, and took hostages.
That was when we sheltered the Shah of Iran. That was a political situation. Then the extremists took that as an opportunity. It really snowballed.
We hear about how uninformed some voters really are, but is it really this bad? :BangHead:

If this is true, not staged, then all I can say is... wow! Yeah, wow is right.
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In the big cities, it is that bad. Some days I feel we are lost, but then, a person can only hope that this is all wrong.
We need to track and dismantle their Hawala connections but that is just a finger in the dam. The real war is for the minds of the kids.
The government has succeeded in capturing the minds of the youth by subsidizing education from pre-pre-K (or WhateverTF they call it) to now 2 years of free college.
Next, there will be a universal dress code consisting of brown uniforms.
I hope you are right Ross.

It doesn't matter to me to whom you believe, what your religion is or not.
At work I have all types of confessions. Christians, Muslims, atheist.
I come along fine with all of them.
It is important to respect other opinions, believe and thoughts.

No one has the right to injure or kill someone for his religion though.
Were violence starts the end of liberty is reached.

Just my 2 cents

I hope you are right Ross.

It doesn't matter to me to whom you believe, what your religion is or not.
At work I have all types of confessions. Christians, Muslims, atheist.
I come along fine with all of them.
It is important to respect other opinions, believe and thoughts.

No one has the right to injure or kill someone for his religion though.
Were violence starts the end of liberty is reached.

Just my 2 cents

if only more people thought like that
Hope and change: "I hope my car starts, and did I change the oil?"
We hear about how uninformed some voters really are, but is it really this bad? :BangHead:

If this is true, not staged, then all I can say is... wow! Yeah, wow is right.

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I hope you are right Ross.

It doesn't matter to me to whom you believe, what your religion is or not.
At work I have all types of confessions. Christians, Muslims, atheist.
I come along fine with all of them.
It is important to respect other opinions, believe and thoughts.

No one has the right to injure or kill someone for his religion though.
Were violence starts the end of liberty is reached.

Just my 2 cents


I have my strong personal faith, and I also agree with this statement. And I believe the President was saying the same thing in his remarks, which of course Fox News and the radical right "Christians" have managed to distort from the intent and context of his remarks, and I read all of his text. While religion might be satisfying to some, for me it is a personal commitment and relationship that matters.

Also intelligence is important, but so is good judgment/wisdom.
