Frank B. Rhodes plans for Chrysler.

And... appointing a woman as CEO of Chrysler Brand is a recipe for disaster. :mad:
Stellantis are not car people..
IT is sad that the Chrysler brand will be part of history.
The Jeep brand has always been a cash cow for every corporation since the 60's..AMC, Chrysler, Daimler- Chrysler, and so forth.
THe majority of the iconic Mopars were built in plants now closed.
Last year I wanted to do a photo op with Grace at the Windsor plant where she was born December 1966.
I was denied access by security.
Even a plant worker at the gate gave the security guard crap ." Hey! We built that car here! Let him in!"
But to no avail.
SO I shot this outside instead..

Stellantis are not car people..
IT is sad that the Chrysler brand will be part of history.
The Jeep brand has always been a cash cow for every corporation since the 60's..AMC, Chrysler, Daimler- Chrysler, and so forth.
THe majority of the iconic Mopars were built in plants now closed.
Last year I wanted to do a photo op with Grace at the Windsor plant where she was born December 1966.
I was denied access by security.
Even a plant worker at the gate gave the security guard crap ." Hey! We built that car here! Let him in!"
But to no avail.
SO I shot this outside instead..

View attachment 679191
I've been harassed by Security at the Belvidere plant too.

Bottom line. Mopar doesn't care about us because Mopar is dead.
Dont personally know Frank Rhodes or any of the folks he could assemble to try to do what he is writing about.

Reading his letter to Stellantis I can feel his passion/belief in what he is writing. It's gotta be terrible to him/others to see what's (apparently) happening -- a slow motion train wreck for iconic, American-born, company.

It took 100 years -- most companies NEVER last long, let alone a car company (needs TONS of cash, TONS of unit sales volume -- always have, seems to always will) - but I don't see a future for these venerable (Ram/Jeep maybe yes, but pass. cars no) Chrysler brands.

It still takes MILLIONS of sales units a year to support a mass market vehicle (in the middle of a populsion transition to boot) company. Enough for scale economies to kick in.

That said, putting it down on paper is MILES from actually doing it successfully.

Everything Frank says (heritage, innovation, attitude, etc) DID happen. I dont see anything, going forward however, that can change Chrysler's fortunes. That glorious, somewhat enviable past is of limited value in support of continued investment.

Did Stellantis **** it all up? Dunno that answer either, but I think Chrysler "died" long before they got it (thats another thread). Whenever Chrysler's corporate epitaph is written, that observation can be debated ad nauseum -- and to what end? It would still be gone.

Could Stellantis save it (the Chrysler brands)? Unsure. But IMHO, doubtful. A bit "unfair" to lay it (i.e., Chrysler's inevitable demise) at Tavares's, Feuell's, et al's. feet alone.

Though, it might be - analogously - like one of us average citizens looking at a complex resto (e.g., needs a buncha time, money, and some unobtanium) of a once cherry, classic sled but now is a "rust bucket".

Right at that tipping point of ''too far gone" to try to bring it back perhaps? Lamenting how it got that bad is a waste of time. It is what it is right now. You just might decide to "punt, pass, or kick" or maybe even sit this one out.

Except, when dealing with BILLIONS of dollars of OPM (other peoples' money) trying to run a global car company, nothing short of making the right money (ROI) will do. It's an overused cliche, but "its rough out there".

Sentimental value of past accomplishments usually aint nearly enough. Still hope something valuable comes out of Mr. Rhodes' efforts.
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Heritage is one thing..but current sales is another.
The Chrysler brand name gas fallen the same way as Mercury and Oldsmobile--- the customers have died off.
I own a 2008 300C and love it.
I bought it from a retired dentist 6 years ago.
It repkaced the 2006 300C I had.
Yes I know it is based on a Mercedes platform but has the all American V8
Not many on the road nor on used car lots.
Stellantis did not push to advertise the 300 for a long time
The dealerships here I had not seen the new Hornet either.
Just Jeeps and Rams with 1 or 2 Challengers thrown into the mix.
Stellantis has had nearly 4 years to develop new products, they seem to have done zilch.

Guys... This guy is not going to take Chrysler anywhere. His only claim to fame is he's Walter P's great grandson. His business experience is in custom wood furniture and not in manufacturing. He's also 64 years old.
I read the letter and it doesn't show any real business plan, seems to trash Christine Feuell and remind them that they (Stellantis) only keep him around because he's Walter P's grandson.

It would take a team of qualified people and then truckloads of money to bring it back. This guy doesn't have that.

Of all the rumors I've heard, the best one is Elon Musk buying the company and doing something with it... I'm not sure what though.

Chrysler died when Daimler Benz bought them. They are just getting around to falling down.

Guys... This guy is not going to take Chrysler anywhere. His only claim to fame is he's Walter P's great grandson. His business experience is in custom wood furniture and not in manufacturing. He's also 64 years old.
I read the letter and it doesn't show any real business plan, seems to trash Christine Feuell and remind them that they (Stellantis) only keep him around because he's Walter P's grandson.

It would take a team of qualified people and then truckloads of money to bring it back. This guy doesn't have that.

Of all the rumors I've heard, the best one is Elon Musk buying the company and doing something with it... I'm not sure what though.

Chrysler died when Daimler Benz bought them. They are just getting around to falling down.
That's seems to be what he, Chrysler's great grandson, is attempting to achieve; get people with money behind him. Big task, but who knows.
It could be a great opportunity. Imperial could come back with LeBaron an make an SUV to compete with Navigator and Escalade. Then Chrysler should have a New Yorker and 300 plus a mid-size SUV like Aviator. Make Dodge a Charger, Challenger, Coronet and keep the Durango. Make the trucks Dodge again and call them D/W like they were. They also knew their own van. Plymouth would be a budget make like they were with Valiant and a Belvedere.

All new styling to make them look like fresh versions of the classic cars we own, and bring back the Magnum engines with fresh technology. Next, make one Hemi and make it exclusive to the performance cars.

Basically pickup like it were 1968 again and keep it going.

Guys... This guy is not going to take Chrysler anywhere. His only claim to fame is he's Walter P's great grandson. His business experience is in custom wood furniture and not in manufacturing. He's also 64 years old.
I read the letter and it doesn't show any real business plan, seems to trash Christine Feuell and remind them that they (Stellantis) only keep him around because he's Walter P's grandson.

It would take a team of qualified people and then truckloads of money to bring it back. This guy doesn't have that.

Of all the rumors I've heard, the best one is Elon Musk buying the company and doing something with it... I'm not sure what though.

Chrysler died when Daimler Benz bought them. They are just getting around to falling down.

Time to start a "go fund me" campaign....