Friday tunes..

Yes, the whiskey brand supporting bartenders commercial brought this back for me. Muddy Waters really brought the blues to my attention.

I kind of went the other way. When 15 in about 69 I was blown away by the first Zepplin album a friend played at a party. It was only a few years later I realised how much they "borrowed" from old time blues artists like Willie Johnson, Robert Johnson, John Lee Hooker etc. Here's one example.

In case you haven't heard XM ch 27 is all VH Been listening to some great ones that don't get much air time. A friend had picked up VH-I when it first hit the shelf, and put on the record player while his folks were out. Needless to say Eruption changed what I thought rock and roll was. Of course we tested the speakers maxed out several times to that tune. VH will always remind me of fun youthful times. RIP Eddie Van Halen
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