Fuel tank sending unit gaskets and other trivia.


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FCBO Gold Member
Nov 9, 2020
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British Columbia
Been awhile since I have posted anything and looked at all the previous threads in the search engine. So my 67 300 is leaking fuel around the fuel sender lock ring. My old original lock ring was bent out of shape so I used the cheapo thin one that came with the sender. The lock ring is so thin, it works loose from the vibration of the car. Purchased one of the new ones from Detroit Muscle Technologies and it just showed up with a new gasket which feels a little thicker than others. The lock ring is of a heavier gauge and also has little raised nubs in 3 places, ostensibly to "lock" the ring in place. Reading all of the posts it states to install the gasket on the inside of the sending unit between the tank and the sending unit, which would have the lock ring being installed metal on metal on the outside of the sending unit. I have looked at a ton of pictures in various forums, and a lot of them show the gasket being installed between the lock ring and the outside face of the sending unit. I have scraped a couple of photos here, so my apologies to those who posted them, but I really don't want to have to fu$@# with this again. The less time I spend on my back under this car the better! In the photo that shows the fuel sending unit installed in a tank, is the location of the gasket wrong?

Fuel sending unit gasket .jpeg

Fuel Tank sending unit.png
Just a slight variation on my question here. If you want to install the gasket between the FS unit and the tank, that would mean slipping the gasket over the sock and the fuel gauge sender? Does that make sense?