Fun and Games


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Apr 29, 2014
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United States
Dunno if there are any crossword puzzlers or other "brain-gamers" here. :yes:

quick story. started the crossword "hobby" in my late 30's. lotta time in airplanes lent itself to crosswords (then sudoku). plus i heard when you got I am now...the exercising of the gray matter helps you somehow.

anyway, one I never mastered was the NY Times Crossword. In short, today is a red letter day.

Finished this one in 90 alloted time. First time ever. Most of them I couldn't finish in 90 years, let alone 90 minutes..very frustrating. didn't get the theme, didn't get the clues..whatever.

and yep, I do them ALL in pen. way to force myself to think then write.

Any of you with 'small victories" of this sort? Crosswords, video games, puzzles, brainteasers..something you finally mastered/beat? Examples you can post or describe to give other "sufferers" like I was with NY Times Crossword?


IMG_7003.jpg I NEVER finished. Got one for Christmas 1978 or 1979. Worked for a decade with no success. Then my objective became disassembly.
...can't solve the darn thing then take a screwdriver to it. that'll show it who's boss. :yaayy:


This one went "viral" before that word was popular. A decade ago. We had to issue warnings to people to STOP playing it at work. think its still around even today.

I saved my farthest "swat"...323.3 ft in a screen shot (actually a picture of a printout--hence the poor quality). I was in a "competition" with daughters and their cousins for something fun to do with the family.

penquin swing.jpgIMG_7005.jpg

penquin swing.jpg

Got young ones?

Try this one with them...with the music low (you'll be hearing it in your head for days and days). Sponge Bob Bikini Bowling.

yeah, every little thing a competition with myself. i had to bowl a perfect game. took two hours and only happened once but I had to save it.

Spongebob Squarepants in Bikini Bottom Bowling.jpg

Spongebob Squarepants in Bikini Bottom Bowling.jpg

Ah Pong. It came an went sometime in my HS the time I got to college, arcades were everywhere. Asteroids, Centipedes, Pac-Man, etc.

Every video game I "mastered" here happened when I was age 25-40 because of my kids and family members. Finding stuff to do they liked, plus another personal challenge to see if I do it.."hand-eye", reflexes, eyesight in general... as i got older.

Can't even remotely two-hand dunk a basketball anymore (I'm more of a land-based vehicle now), but still can play Super Mario:dance:

Recall this one from mid-90's? Super Punch Out for Nintendo. 16 boxers, four per level, each level gets harder, etc. My goal was to replace every pre-set game record with ones of my own.

Knock every guy out, 16 in a row with no losses was first hurdle. Then trying to set records. "Mad Clown"---only one of the 16 I don't have best time..cannot figure out how to put him down in 15 seconds or less.

Yep, I still play it when kids visit..they are nearing the age now I was when I learned it with them (screen shot taken yesterday 24 May 2015).



first time through 7, second time through 9...the last two have eluded me so far. i think my eyes are goin', or I need longer arms or somethin' :eusa_wall:

(the answer is out there online...please nobody post it here for a few days until any interested folks have wrestled/had a little fun with it?)


this is so over the top, its gotta be seen. I was ready to call BS on it just looking at the picture of the puzzle, but there's a lotta documentation on it.

world's hardest rubik's cube

solved in time-lapse over 7 hours (click on the link) in 10 a guy with a lotta time on his hands to learn how to solve a puzzle with 66 quintillion combinations.

rubixcube ultimate.jpg

rubixcube ultimate.jpg
What do you see in this photo?

It varies whether you're man/women/young/old, but almost everybody misses what is rather obvious. Yes, I missed the obvious too.:)

I hope that the dog is licenced.

So, when shown the picture, somebody (dunno how scientific the study was, or what "old" and "young" means here) apparently tabulated the following"

1. For younger men, it’s the woman's rear end first observed. The really observant will see the thong. Not much else gets their attention.

2. For older men, it’s a young woman dressed in white who should be careful crossing a busy street and the lady in blue about to get hit. Occasional observations of her behind..way less than the young men.

3. For half of the younger women, this is an ordinary woman who should not have left home dressed that way, the other half is wondering where she bought that blouse.

4. Older women, most observing the things in 3. above, also imagine the misery of wearing that darn thong all day.

Most kids and the super observant notice the "funny looking cab driver" right away. Not me
that'd be a nice lookin' dash :). I think I'll google that ... hmm, i forget how to spell "google".

Oh oh yeah, now i remember thanks to these civic-minded citizens. Google.
