Dunno if there are any crossword puzzlers or other "brain-gamers" here. :yes:
quick story. started the crossword "hobby" in my late 30's. lotta time in airplanes lent itself to crosswords (then sudoku). plus i heard when you got older..like I am now...the exercising of the gray matter helps you somehow.
anyway, one I never mastered was the NY Times Crossword. In short, today is a red letter day.
Finished this one in 90 minutes..my alloted time. First time ever. Most of them I couldn't finish in 90 years, let alone 90 minutes..very frustrating. didn't get the theme, didn't get the clues..whatever.
and yep, I do them ALL in pen. way to force myself to think then write.
Any of you with 'small victories" of this sort? Crosswords, video games, puzzles, brainteasers..something you finally mastered/beat? Examples you can post or describe to give other "sufferers" like I was with NY Times Crossword?
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