So I'm at work, doing my job, when the fire alarm goes off. We make cereal, and one of the dryer exhaust ducts was full of crap, and it caught on fire. The crack staff tried as best they could, but had to call the fire department and we all got to go outside. Most of us grabbed our jackets on the way out, we didn't feel like standing around in 30° weather with 20mph winds. Fire Department came and used a bigger hose, that's all we really needed. The fire was put out and half of us got to go back to work in the unaffected areas. The other half waited a bit and went to clean the room where the fire was. Poor guy running the line that caught fire, he was the one who spotted it, was sent to clean a flaking roller, and cut his hand on one of the blades! He didn't know much about it, and is lucky he didn't cut his wrist. Then other lines went down, making management happy, except for my line. It ran flawlessly all night and I didn't have any issues. I helped out where I could but there wasn't much to do but sit back and watch. This is I think the 5th fire they have had since I've been there, 7 years. They have all been little, but I've never worked in a place that is so used to having to extinguish flames on a fairly regular basis. The company almost lost the plant 10-15 years ago when the warehouse caught on fire, so they have a history. Right before I started, they had a huge dryer go up and that area was closed off for 6 months. Something to keep you on your toes! Never know what's going to happen any given day. That was my fun, how does your job compare?