Fuselage quarter panel rust repair

Man, I’m in deep trouble with my 300!
Mostly it's time and patience, and it helps to be a bit crazy. No special equipment was used to make the panels. Hand tools and a Harbour Freight shrinker-stretcher. That tool has paid for itself over and over.
Awesome job! I'll be saving those pictures as inspiration when the time comes to start working on my rusty fuselage cars.

I wish I had your skills brother. I have the same problem with my 1970 Fury III. Nobody makes patch panels for c bodies and the salvage yard near me has two 70's but, they have been on the ground for years and are rusted. I felt sick when I finally got the rust and seen the holes that I am left to fill. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a 68 Barracuda that I am still working on trying to get it ready to paint. I might have to just throw in the towel and sell my Fury.