Gas Monkey gets a Three Hundred.

Coe has maintained that he is not racist, but geez.. I'm not going to post the link..... or discuss it one way or another any more than this. Just go to YouTube and search for "david allan coe x rated hits" and when the "18 X rated hits" album comes up in the search, listen for the first couple minutes and you can decide. BTW, it NSFW.
Oh my god:eek:
First, I like the 300 in it's nice color combination and I'm very glad that they only clean it up, leve it as it is and don't drop it to the bottom and put 20" rims or more on it!

Second, I don't know the previous ower, neither his music ore his political views. So for ME for the price uninteresting.

Third, I know the Gas Monkey "Show" for several years from the beginning on TV. Right now they show here only replays while Aaron was still there. I was supiced how old, grey and plump Richard became. This could be due to his unhealthy lifestyle with beer, office stress and nerve-wracking price negotiations LOL
I posted on this purchase about 6 months ago so this is a helpful update on the car but using the search function on this site I couldn't access the previous post.

The original owner was a country music singer known for being a racist.

I just hope the car goes to a good home. These cars look very good in white to me at least.
prison will make you racist...thats reality...part of divide and conquer strategy of the elite
I know people that feel MJ is a pedophile, and they still adore his music. The human species is a fascinating study.

It's okay, you probably just like Quincy Jones production work anyway. I'm pretty sure a half-dozen other artists would have sounded just as good with that team backing them up.

As for the rest of the kooky reactions in this thread, hi-larious.
It's okay, you probably just like Quincy Jones production work anyway. I'm pretty sure a half-dozen other artists would have sounded just as good with that team backing them up.

As for the rest of the kooky reactions in this thread, hi-larious.
You wanna be starting something, Carm? Lol
Looks like it's been sold. I tired posting the Facebook link and that's not happening... I did copy the pic though.

Looks like I missed CM27T0C180741 (if I read the tag correctly) when it was posted, thanks to @70 Sport Suburban for alerting me to the fact that this EW1 white 300 'vert is on the market again.

Here is another link to the Gas Monkey "cleaning up" story and a photo courtesy of that site.

Untitled 2.jpg
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A hollywood friend of mine said most of these cars already have an owner or buyer before anything is done to it. The owner designs the car, or approves what they want, and these shows are just assembly. The owner gets a break on the price but only if they sign off stating they can't say anything bad about the workmanship or the show. I don't have any proof of this but it sounds correct. A proper restoration takes months, not days or weeks. These shows push prices thru the roof making what should be a cheap hobby ridiculous. I guess I blame the rich since they are stupid enough to pay these inflated prices and hide hundreds of vehicles in a private collections never to be seen again...

Sorry for my rants.
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I know a DAC song that will practically send half of you guys with fragile egos into a completely offended tailspin - Three Little Lies. It's out there. If "bad words" offend you, don't say you weren't forewarned!!!
The Three Hundred has had a repaint, the right rear 1/4 rear of wheel looks bubbly
Indeed, the tag shows that CM27T0C180741 was originally FT6. More photos for records found here. I have posted a better photo of the fender tag, as well as nine other photos, for records in the Last Convertibles thread here.





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