gas turning to varnish

Plan B is to sell my New Yorker and buy an EV. I read where they have electric motors now that can spin at 30,000 RPM with 98% efficiency. No more carburetors. Paul
This is the best idea for you!
This is the best idea for you!
Be sure to get one with the new solid state battery tech in it!

BUT . . . with the later developments in that area, as to availability of charging stations, might head toward a hybrid model instead of a full EV.

1 year old Colorado flat lands gas.
Truck was fixed but had another problem. Not fixed for a year after a new tank of 91. Gas tank cleaned before fill up. Fixed the truck and now the gas that was one year old is as thick as 90 weight gear oil.
I know a lot of the gas mixtures are made for your "area", but I think there are bigger unsaid things going on. The fuel companies don't want any of us to have the ability to store gas for any type of extended period. Many reason's for this. Fueled by the profits of the gas companies.
Ethanol is a joke. I have friends who are corn growers and they hate it. But the farmers are all on the government tit so corn in fuel continues.
rex oil 2.jpg
I have multiple cars that are out in the sun at 7K elevation during the winter.
I put stabil in every car in fall. More than what is recommended on the containers. Seems to do the trick as they all start up when I need them to.
However, the ethanol gas goes bad very quick. I make sure to run the tanks out in the spring and replace with new gas.
My fuel injected cars don't ever really seem to have any issues at start up with the ethanol.
It's funny John sometime way back when Mom was needling me about my model junk in the attic, so I got them down and went through them and on many the glue had failed so I got the gumption to glue all the fallen off parts so I went to buy some model glue in the local town hobby shop, sales clerk wanted me to show ID and sign for like two tubes of Testors. I'm like WTF, I think I was in my 30's then. BTW the models went back up into the attic. heh.
