Get a Car Key cut ?


Aug 1, 2024
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hey guys where do you get a 1966 car key cut I just have one key and that stresses me a bit would love to have a double or two ?
Cruise over to Laval and visit with Nick from Nick's garage. He has original keys for the 69 thru 70s. I think your keys look like these tho.

Here is some info. Chrysler Ignition Keys
Also. I was told by an old key cutter to watch the code stamped on the key A B C letters. I only know enough to confuse.

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Most good key-makers can do it if you bring them blanks to use. I always have GOOD copies made, then preserve the originals for making copies from. Good luck. Unless you know that they're knowledgeable, I wouldn't just walk into a Home Depot, etc.
hey guys where do you get a 1966 car key cut I just have one key and that stresses me a bit would love to have a double or two ?

I use Ace Hardware. Mind you, I order blank keys off eBay. Like you, we got only ONE old brass key when we bought our '66 Newport. The '68 is a little more difficult to kind good key stock for, but I did it, and have had several good ones cut. So long as no Artificial Idiots get involved, and the key cutter isn't too hung-over, you can get a good copy cut.
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I learned a long time ago to only have keys cut at a good locksmith. No Home Depot or hardware store.

It doesn't cost any more, but the job is always good. Bring the car (if you can) and go from there.

I had some hardware store type car keys that worked like crap for one car I bought. I took the car and some NOS blanks with me and they cut new keys, not copied the old keys. They work just about perfect.
I learned a long time ago to only have keys cut at a good locksmith. No Home Depot or hardware store.

It doesn't cost any more, but the job is always good. Bring the car (if you can) and go from there.

I had some hardware store type car keys that worked like crap for one car I bought. I took the car and some NOS blanks with me and they cut new keys, not copied the old keys. They work just about perfect.
I agree. THe next time I am close to the local shop I will stop in and se if they have the blanks. The guy has been in business for years and i'm sure he has what is needed to make a new key.
The eBay blanks that Home Depot cut for me work fine.
We don't have a good walk-in locksmith in this town anymore. Just the mobile $75 to show up locksmith. They said there was no store front that cut keys here anymore.
I use Ace Hardware. Mind you, I order blank keys off eBay. Like you, we got only ONE old brass key when we bought our '66 Newport. The '68 is a little more difficult to kind good key stock for, but I did it, and have had several good ones cut. So long as no Artificial Idiots get involved, and the key cutter isn't too hung-over, you can get a good copy cut.
That's why I learned to cut keys myself. Got a machine, key blanks, and the code books at a bankruptcy auction cheap.
'66-up cars have new door locks and ign lock cyls available at reasonable prices.
You need to find a set that is keyed alike, and see what type of key fits.
Last set I got (15+ years ago now) has a fat-plastic grip on it like an 80s car. (but it works)

Look online at your auto parts store and at resto shops.
'66-up cars have new door locks and ign lock cyls available at reasonable prices.
You need to find a set that is keyed alike, and see what type of key fits.
Last set I got (15+ years ago now) has a fat-plastic grip on it like an 80s car. (but it works)

Look online at your auto parts store and at resto shops.

Van vends some OK stuff of this sort. Seen plenty more in the 1s and 0s also....