You do that Matt. (What else does one say to a comment like that) Ok. So I had a wonderful drive. I never knew that East Central Texas was so flat. I forgot to take the tripod and directions but made it out there ok. Let me start by saying....I wanted to cry as I was leaving. So many wonderful car that have been left to rot. There are a lot of do-ables out there but I can't understand why someone wouldn't take $50.00 just to give it a good home. Too late for most of these. Anyway, the family that owns this place are very nice Hispanics. The younger brother (63 y/o) drove me to the car that I really wanted to see. (39 Masters Deluxe) I will never have enough money to make this car whole again. Shame. I really wanted to take time and take pics but I realized that sitting in an area surrounded by cow patties and a big black bull staring me down wasn't the place I wanted to be at. Not that I mind cow dung...but that bull was uncomfortable with me around. Should have tried giving him a carrot or something. NOT. The gentleman drove me around till I saw a sedan I liked. Little rust, mostly intact. $1500.00. Nope, $500 maybe. I've been to Mexico and know how to barter. So he is driving me back to the other part of the property and I see a graveyard of about 50 engines...all different sizes. He says they are good, they just took them out of some of the cars they crushed. Holy cow! They had drive shafts, engines, seats, benches, hoods, transmissions, hub caps, rims, laying around everywhere. You mention it...I bet it is there. Now I know how you guys feel when you go to a place like this. It's very overwhelming.