Going to Sanibel to meet Ross tomorrow.

Does Ross have a roofing hammer for you? LOL!

Have fun!
Ross should of had the Challenger on the trailer.....since he has you for a pit crew in the Sunshine State!
Say hey to Ross for me and I'm 99% sure there will be no tassels on his shoes, he knows better.
Had to look it up. Never made it down that far. My parents had a place near St. Petersburg back in the 90's. I'm assuming you guys will find a bar on the beach, take in the scenery and have a few cold ones. Enjoy.

That's the plan, Fred.
We'll look at babes that will be young enough to be his daughter and my granddaughter.
Never, ever, driving. Really.
No drinking, talking on the phone, texting, sex from a hooker. Nothing.