Going to Sanibel to meet Ross tomorrow.

I would guess that Ross would drink some sort of Pomegranate or something else we never heard of......

What do you drink Ross?
Lemme tellya, Ross is as cool a guy as you can find. I had a ball and his family was just as great.
I was sad when I had to leave. Thanks Ross! And I fully support the Wooly Mammoth.

Just as I pulled into his parking lot.
BTW, when you put Road Wheels onto a car that came with steelies, remember that your lug wrench is now the wrong size... :BangHead:





You're not going to believe this but we're totally alike.



That's believable.....

Stan probably still has his bell bottoms, platforms, tie-dyed shirts, and beads from yesteryear! LOL!
Tell me about it....I have a 4 way lug wrench and a 2 ton floor jack in the trunk.

That bumper jack has to go up a LONG WAY to get that spare on there!

Oh yah. The jack gave way, too...
1976 all over again.

I like to throw a little cheap hydraulic jack and a 4 way into the trunk... that way you have 2 jacks to swear at and a metric lug wrench to complain about...
Awesome pictures, yes I said awesome! Just calling it like it is.
I thought you two had met once but I guess I'm mistaken.