Grave yard cars= butchers

I would say any good insurance will stand by their customer and if the work isnt right they will fight for the money back and find another shop to fix the work. From what I understand the car has to be as good if not better prior to the repair. I never watch GYC because they seem nothing but drama (I find the owner extremely annoying to watch). Anyone with a Masters In HR will cringe how he talks to EEs. Anyway IIRC on the last thread it was a repair when the car is due for a full restore since the body is filled with glass. I would assume you dont have a restore place do a collision repair. Those places are the whole thing or nothing at all. There is a local place here that was featured on a TV show. I took my 300 to them just looking for basically a scuff and shoot as I do not want to do a full restore currently, they kindly turned the work down and explained why. My car has alot of glass in it from a repair in the 80s and they didnt want their work put over poor body work (which it is). When I am ready to spend the big bucks I will take it back to them. And as it goes, Im sure even Chip Foose has had a PO'd customer in the past. Cant make everyone happy.
WOW I'm not even going to...... Ok well I looked at the other thread a little and didn't say anything but if there is an issue with the work done on the car then the customer needs to follow the right approach to getting it fixed. I do work for people and if there is a problem weather it was something I did or something someone else did (I can usually figure that out real quick) I still jump in and fix it. I also make sure that any decision made about the route the car is going to take the customer is the one who makes the final decision! They are both wrong and that is that!
^^^Exactly! Taking a pissing contest to the interwebz and having the involved parties go nuts over it is NOT the professional way to settle disputes. But, these days it seems that few seem to WANT to do it right and do it professionally. The myriad of "reality" shows out there where "screw the other guy!" is the goal, shows people that being an a$$hole is the way to resolve disputes publically, and that rears its ugly head every day on FB and those other useless-as-tits-on-a-two-by-four "social media" sites.
^^^Exactly! Taking a pissing contest to the interwebz and...
That was a huge complaint of mine at both of the 2 big Vette forums. A lot ! of whiney spoiled people over there that cry and make a post about so-and-so dealer screwed them and he want's the internet community to threaten the dealer via emails, phone calls, etc. All the rest of the other whiney spoiled people kneejerk into action.

Turns out later the owner was 98% wrong, not the dealer, and ACTED like a whiney spoiled person.
Many times it was someone who joined only to blackmail the dealer. Baby!

I always resolve my conflicts with a business. Never used internet blackmail. a little support.Anybody else that belongs to any other Mopar sites: please pass this information along.
I didn't read the rant I looked at the pictures.
you people with the negative comments towards my post can bite me
Bend over.
That was a huge complaint of mine at both of the 2 big Vette forums. /
Well theres you're problem right there... VETTE Forums lol. Honestly tho I can't watch the show but I also couldn't care less about the jackass' charger... and people who shoot you aren't friends, unless it was an accident and even then you may wanna look for some new ones...
[Y]ou people with the negative comments towards my post can bite me. [H]ave you ever heard the saying if you can't say nothing nice don't say nothing at all

For a guy with less than 30 posts here, you sure are pickin' for a rumble, aren't you? You might tone down the chest-thumping, play nice, and not get your big-boy panties in a wad when you get your "pwecious wittle feelwings" hurt. Learn something while you are here. I've been around Mopars since 1971 and have a pretty broad Mopar knowledge base. BUT, I still don't know squat about these when compared to several others that post here. There is a $hitload of "C"-body experience present and in fact, all-around Mopar experience on this site; period. We welcome all, but we DO get rid of the undesirables, all being said. You come in all cocky, we'll show you the door. You won't be the first.

Have a nice day. Or not. Either way, I'm good.
Exactly! we are all grown-*** men (and a woman or two) who don't need that kinda bull. But I'm sure they would love you at a VETTE forum. Or maybe an inner-city high school gym class. So either A: Wash the sand out of your vagina, or B: GO AWAY
Wow, this thread has everything!

A n00b coming off as an internet tough guy, Vette bashing, two "GTFO" posts, bitching about whiners, grammar correction, the phrase "ad nauseam" and a reference to how the search feature should be used before posting.

Someone needs to make this a sticky!

Here is your sticky !!!!!!!!!!
