Group photo at Carlisle?

Yep - Dave. Should be easy to remember...especially on FCBO.

I had a great time at Carlisle. I only regret not being able to meet more of the C body crew. I was so busy trying to see as much as I could plus introducing my son to the wide range of Mopars that exist. Time went by fast and before I knew it we had to leave to get my brother back to the airport in DC.

This was my first time at the Chrysler show but not my first time at Carlisle. Below is a picture of me there 30 years ago. Not sure what show it was - maybe the import show? My Dad was into Triumphs and VWs back then. I was more interested in this car.

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Dang! That is a nice car!

I would love to find out where it is today and what it looks like 30 years later.
Wow, great job Doc!! How high a resolution is the original, high enough to blow up to poster size. Something about 2'x3' behind glass in a frame would make great garage art.
Maybe next year we can have a Coffee Call at 9:00 am front and center on the C-Body Line. People can socialize for a few minutes and hopefully everyone will be there by 10:00 am for the group photo.
Maybe next year we can have a Coffee Call at 9:00 am front and center on the C-Body Line. People can socialize for a few minutes and hopefully everyone will be there by 10:00 am for the group photo.

Saturday is prime time for the show. The photo shoot is a drag at 10 but guys still come regardless.
Many members take advantage of the tent and beverage accommodations behind my car and big John's car. It is a non stop revolving door of folks stopping and taking a load off.
Bob, you were there very little time. You ( as in anyone ) can meet 50 people sitting under my canopy on Friday / Saturday.
Saturday is NOT the day for a scheduled greeting unless it is AFTER the show with Jiffy pop and A-1 .
Wow, great job Doc!! How high a resolution is the original, high enough to blow up to poster size. Something about 2'x3' behind glass in a frame would make great garage art.
This is Samplingman's photo...I just did the labelling.
I would have died there. Finding a hat to fit my Megamind-esque head is near impossible.

Now I kinda feel bad for my mom.
This has been fun in the past, and I thought I'd check if there was interest in doing so among this group. Carlisle is one of few events where sizable/measurable numbers of us will actually be in the same place at around the same time.

Would there be interest in doing a group photo, and/or photo of each of us WITH the car we bring? I'd suggest Saturday at say.... 1:00? I will be there with the New Yorker, hoping to arrive at lunchtime tomorrow, and could check in with folks then. My canopy is heading up shortly with ayilar, and will be with his car tomorrow, OH and SOMEONE will need to volunteer to do the photography duties, as I am the world's worst at that, in addition to not having a camera.......

Safe travels to all, see you there!


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Hey Mark, sorry I missed you... I looked for the Imperial... no wonder I didn't see you. Not to complain excessively, but could you redo the titles of the Carlisle threads you start to include the year? I makes it so much easier to find the one you want later on when searching.

Hope yours was as good as mine...
