Having problems with motivation


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FCBO Gold Member
Oct 18, 2012
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Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Seems to always hit me this time of year, I just can't seem to get myself to do anything........took a few days off work and just headed out of the city..........spotted something on the way home..........Stan it's a 440 4spd.





I hear you about motivation, not to mention every vehicle I own decided to take a turn at breaking down and the two that didn't break got flooded while we were on vacation, which was a nice mess to come home to. I think I have everything straightened out except lawn tractor which I think is going to wait for spring. Now I need motivation to get out there and get my barracuda in paint before the end of the year. BTW did you see "Bad Grandpa" I'm to cheap to go to see it in theaters just wondered if you did.
Now I need motivation to get out there and get my
FURY in paint before the end of the year.

BTW did you see "Bad Grandpa" I'm to cheap to go to see it in theaters just wondered if you did.
Fixed your statement to fit what I should be doing.........

Probably will see Bad Grandpa at some point this week or next week, really should slam an engine in the Fury before next week..................
I have no choice but to be motivated...With the guilt I'm suffering using the wagon as my daily driver, while I do the 4wd conversion on my cummins crewcab. :( Wife is starting to get a little upset...she said the other day, "All you do is work on that truck!"
If you force yourself to be constantly motivated, it's work.
If you go with the ebb and flow of motivation, it's fun.
Yesterday I was motivated to spread a yard of mulch. Got a sense of satisfaction afterwards.
Today I'm not motivated. If I had to spread mulch constantly on a regular basis, I'd dread it and probably start doing a crummy job of it.
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Yesterday I was motivated to spread a yard of mulch. Got a sense of satisfaction afterwards.
Today I'm not motivated. If I had to spread mulch constantly on a regular basis, I'd dread it and probably start doing a crummy job of it.

Amen to that. Always seem to do crappy work when not motivated.

I havn't had any motivation either lately. Must be the time of year.
Nick, looking back at last year.....

All you need is 3 feet of snow to get you motivated.
That's why I have more than one hobby/love/interest. Build a model instead, you'll feel better. For me it's toy train season. I'm spending the last few days of good weather putting the 300 to bed until spring, then I'm basement bound until April.
Nice to know there's another train enthusiast out there. We put up a train set for Christmas holiday usually right after Thanksgiving when we set up the small tree. May do it a bit early this year, gotta get motivated to go down in the basement and pull it all out.
Nice to know there's another train enthusiast out there. We put up a train set for Christmas holiday usually right after Thanksgiving when we set up the small tree. May do it a bit early this year, gotta get motivated to go down in the basement and pull it all out.

Cool! What are you running? I'm in the process of building a display for my church for Breakfast With Santa, it's all O gauge.
What brand of trains you guys running?

Used to be into it big. Have a mix of lionel, and MTH stuff. Mostly mth. One of my best trains took a crap, and I got tired of spending $$ on em lol.. There BIG $$ in that stuff too
I hear you about the motivation thing. I think my problem is that I just have too much/too many projects. I work out of town 20 days straight, then come home for ten days. By the time I get the honey do list done, I don't know where to start. Since the polara is still in the paint booth, it's hard to get any motivation on cleaning up all the bolt on parts. The new Dart project needs started. I want to bump the HP in the Shelby this Winter. I have a 70's motorhome to tear a 440 out of then scrap. I have a 73 Fury that I need to remove all the disc brake parts from. If there is snow, all I want to do is head to the mountains and ride snowmobiles. I think when the Polara gets back from paint, it'll be a much needed kick start.
Too many projects going at the same time for me too. It takes me forever to finish any of them.
Nice to know there's another train enthusiast out there. We put up a train set for Christmas holiday usually right after Thanksgiving when we set up the small tree. May do it a bit early this year, gotta get motivated to go down in the basement and pull it all out.

Make that 3.......I have my own newer MTH set plus my grandfathers postwar Lionel set still in the orig boxes....will go up prob the wknd after Thanksgiving.
My Dad had a Lionel set from when he was a kid in the early 1930's in the attic......crackhead brothers probably sold them for $5.

Cool! What are you running? I'm in the process of building a display for my church for Breakfast With Santa, it's all O gauge.
Where just running a little HO scale freight locomotive. I think it came with four or five cars. We have nine car's plus a caboose now. I buy a one or two cars each christmas, its sort of a "family tradition" thing now which I think is a great thing. After New Years we pack it up until the next Christmas season. "O" scale, yeah those are some BIG trains, lol. You ever been to "Northlands" in Flemington NJ?? Northlands is a huge warehouse type building with a MASSIVE, multilevel HO train city a has been building for about 40yrs from what I understand. We were there last year and I talked with him for a bit of time. He's retired from Microsoft...had a bunch of MS stock that he cashed in and now he follows his passion full time.
Make that 3.......I have my own newer MTH set plus my grandfathers postwar Lionel set still in the orig boxes....will go up prob the wknd after Thanksgiving.
Cool beans. There's three elderly gentleman where I live who have model trains sets set up in their basements and at the end of every November they open their homes to the public so people can go down and check out what they've built up since the last November.