Heavy Metal

An incomplete fuselage was sitting in a hangar somewhere in Ukraine since the ‘90s I think. The operational one was destroyed
yes, i believe this is correct. the one/only operational plane was destroyed.

Ukraine Detains 2 Over Destruction of World's Largest Plane - The Moscow Times

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Hughes Aircraft/Raytheon makes the radar for the current U-2s in service.
I can neither confirm nor deny that I worked on it. ;^)

What does the 'U' stand for in the name of the U-2 spy/reconaissance aeroplane?

The U-2 spy plane is a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and is also known as the Dragon Lady, a nickname that reflects its sleek design and challenging flight characteristics. The U in the name of the U-2 stands for Utility, which is a designation given by the United States Air Force (USAF) to aircraft that are used for general purposes, such as transport, training, or liaison.

The U-2 was originally designed by Lockheed's Skunk Works, a secret division that specialized in developing advanced and experimental aircraft. This was given the Utility designation because it was intended to be a versatile and adaptable platform that could carry different types of sensors and payloads depending on the mission. The U-2 was also given a low-priority status by the USAF, which meant that it received less funding and attention than other aircraft projects.
It proved to be a remarkable spy plane that could fly above 70,000 feet (21,000 meters) and carry a variety of cameras, radars, and electronic sensors. U-2 has also been used for scientific research, such as sampling the upper atmosphere for nuclear radiation, and for humanitarian purposes, such as monitoring natural disasters and environmental changes.

The U-2 is still in service today, after more than 60 years of operation. It has undergone several upgrades and modifications over the years, resulting in different variants such as the U-2A, U-2C, U-2R, TR-1, and U-2S. The latest model, the U-2S, has improved avionics, engines, sensors, and stealth features. The U-2 is currently operated by the USAF and NASA for various missions around the world. The U-2 is expected to remain in service until at least 2025, when it may be replaced by unmanned aerial vehicles or satellites.
