Hello from Warsaw, Poland


New Member
Dec 8, 2024
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Hi, my name is Tomasz (hence Tom). I decided to join to this community, because I'm about to chase or complete chasing my dream - have a C-body Mopar, preferably Fury. Why now? Well, I'm a 40+ old boi, my son went off to college and finally I have all necessary and missing assets like time, some money and some house with a suitable garage with space and tools. Fixing vehicles was my kind of hobby in old days. Kind of, because in 80's and early 90's in PL and other eastern EU countries, which have been touched by communism doing stuff by yourself was kind of necessity due to lack of other options.

I'm here to learn and extend my knowledge in C-bodies and hopefully to find and buy a nice piece one day. I need something to work on as a hobby and for Sunday or daily rides. I work partially in IT (remote) and partially in aviation (cockpit) so I have no need for daily driving anyway. It is also my way of protesting against common downsizing of most of engines nowadays, where inline three cylinder 1.2 liter type of engine became a common solution, with expected lifetime of 5 years and not more than 100k miles.

I hope not having a c-body yet is not a problem for you guys

Have a nice day!
Pozdrowienia z Cincinnati. Mam kuzyna Tomek w Warszawie. Moj ojciec byl z Warszawy.
and partially in aviation (cockpit)
My cousin's kid retired from the Polish Air Force a few years ago. He was a doctor. At the end of his career he had final say over medical clearance for aviators in Poland. Not totally sure if it was military and civilian, but I think it was both.

I've been to Poland 40 or 50 times over the last 30 years............
My father was born in Bialystok Poland and came over to the US just before World War 2 started.
He was 5 years old. All the ones who stayed there all died in the Holocaust. I have lots of photos
of the family.
@65CopCar and @marty mopar - I wasn't expecting anyone here have some Polish attachments, how nice :) Come and visit my motherland one day, this is not the same place as 70 or even 20 years ago
Welcome from Virginia!!
My late uncle was American/Polish (surname Struzik) and WW2 veteran. My eldest daughter toured Europe in college. Poland was her favorite country!
My dad was 24 when Germany invaded Poland and was already in the Polish Air Force already for a few years. He ended up in the French Air Force till France fell then the RAF till 1948. He came to America in 1951 and married my mom in 1957.

My uncle escaped from the Germans twice. Second time he escaped from Auschwitz after 4 1/2 years as the Russians were coming. He had crazy stories about what when on in the camp. We visited Auschwitz in 1987 and since he was treasurer of the Auschwitz survivor's group, we ended up sleeping in the camp in the commandant's quarters. Crazy experience.
I think it's a great idea that you have joined us before buying a C-body. You can then find all the positives and negatives to look for when you decide what model C-body you fall in love with.
Welcome @Tom_S

There are a number of Polish members on the board. @Unix is the most prolific.