Help accessing '71 New Yorker Wagon...


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern CT, 2 stoplight town, Columbia, CT
Hi All - I have a problem. I have this wagon I need to get into and I'm trying to do it with as little destruction as How does the rear door open? There's no handle on the outside...
You have to lower the window and reach in and move the latch. In 72 they had an outside handle and the gate would open like a door with the glass in the up position but yours is not that easy. It won't open either way with the glass up. If your rear window won't go down you'll have to crawl in there and take the panel off and get the window down.
I'm assuming that he just plain can't get into the car at all and hopefully it's either his or he has been invited to try to gain access. Does it have battery power? power locks?
Most if not all the 71 T&C's had a power rear window switch on the dash.
I have now seen the other posts pertaining to this car and am up to speed and unable to help. My only experience with these cars is sitting back there as a kid.
It sounds like Moper can't get into the vehicle in the first place.
Coat hanger time....

With the condition of that car....more like a hammer or a spinning back kick to some glass.
A brick to a door window would be just as easy but in the other post it looks like he got in
That's insane, just yesterday on Walker, Texas Ranger he actually recommended this to a friend while screwing around on his car.:laughing4:
Yes, I own it. I bought it for the nose... not the rest of it. The last wagon I owned was a Pontiac, and Regan was in his first term. Thanks for all your assistance.

On this sweet heart all the door latch and lock linkages are rusted solid and the wiring harness inside the car is destroyed. So it's a combination of air hammer and sawzall at this point. I have a lot of animals and I'd rather not break glass all over my work area so I cut through the outer skin and got in that way.
Get a battery in it, use the key in the keyhole on the tailgate, it will power the glass down, then a lever inside on the tailgate (upper right side) will open as a door or gate. MPJ